ASN Report 2021

1 T echnical and legal framework for decommissioning P. 328 1.1 Decommissioning challenges 1.2 The ASN decommissioning doctrine 1.2.1 Immediate dismantling 1.2.2 Cleaning up and achieving the final state 1.3 Decommissioning regulatory framework 1.4 The financing of decommissioning and radioactive waste management 2 S ituation of nuclear facilities undergoing decommissioning: specific challenges P. 332 2.1 Nuclear power reactors 2.1.1 Pressurised water nuclear power reactors 2.1.2 Nuclear power reactors other than pressurised water reactors 2.2 Research facilities 2.2.1 Research laboratories 2.2.2 Research reactors 2.3 The front-end “nuclear fuel cycle” facilities 2.4 The back-end “nuclear fuel cycle” facilities 2.5 The support facilities (storage and processing of radioactive effluent and waste) 3 ASN actions relating to facilities being decommissioned: a graded approach P. 338 3.1 The graded approach according to the risks of the facilities 3.2 The periodic safety reviews of facilities undergoing decommissioning 3.3 Financing decommissioning: ASN’s opinion on the triennial reports 4 A ssessment of the licensees’ decommissioning strategies P. 339 4.1 Assessment of EDF’s decommissioning strategy 4.2 Assessment of Orano’s decommissioning strategy 4.3 Assessment of the CEA’s decommissioning strategy Appendix P. 341 List of Basic Nuclear Installations undergoing decommissioning or delicensed as at 31 December 2021 326 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021