ASN Report 2021

CEA Cadarache BNI Operation and description Challenge Difficulties encountered Time frame(1) ASN observations BNI 56 Retrieval and packaging of all the intermediate level bulk waste present in the pits (“vrac MI” [bulk IL] project) Safety of the pits containing waste with respect to a seismic hazard • Construction of a new building and putting into service an entirely automated retrieval process requiring substantial prior operations • Defining the definitive packaging process Not available Preliminary investigations of the pits containing the waste are in progress. ASN’s examination of the decommissioning file for this project, which is at the detailed design study stage, is in progress(2). CEA Saclay BNI 72 Retrieval and packaging of drums containing a mixture of waste and fragments of fuel (EPOC process) Safety of the storage areas with respect to containment and a seismic hazard • Construction of retrieval equipment • Adaptation of the retrieval equipment, whatever the envisaged state of the waste 2029 (entry into service of the EPOC processes) The process sizing studies are completed; the next stage is the construction of the equipment. Entry into service was initially planned for 2023. This deadline was pushed back to 2029 due to numerous technical and organisational difficulties. Removal of the stored content from the pool and emptying of the pool Availability of waste removal and packaging routes 31/12/2024 The removal operations are in progress. Given the numerous technical and organisational difficulties, the initial deadlines have been pushed back by several years. 40 wells zone: removal of irradiating waste 31/12/2030 Removal of stored content from blocks 108 and 116 30/06/2023 Removal of ion exchange resins and sources from building 116 Availability of the single transport packaging for sources, which is shared between several facilities 31/12/2022 for resins and from 2023 to 2025 for the sources CEA Fontenay-aux-Roses BNI 166 Retrieval of waste stored in the pits of building 58 Retrieval of waste to allow decommissioning of the facilities situated in a highly urbanised area • Construction of the new measuring and packaging equipment • Availability of waste disposal routes 01/07/2018 ASN is currently examining a modification request for the decrees authorising decommissioning of BNIs 165 and 166. In view of the numerous technical and organisational difficulties, particularly the lack of knowledge of the initial state of the shielded cells containing legacy waste, the end-of-retrieval deadline will be pushed back by several decades. BNI 165 Packaging of the ILW-LL waste in PETRUS drums and characterisation of the waste from the decommissioning of the PETRUS unit Construction of the new waste transfer and packaging enclosure (ETCB) 01/07/2017 The number and scale of the Waste Retrieval and Packaging (WRP) projects that the licensees must carry out alongside the decommissioning operations has led them to prioritise those presenting the greatest safety risks. Considered as priorities, these projects concern the old facilities on the Orano La Hague site and the CEA sites (Cadarache, Fontenay-aux-Roses and Saclay). These are complex and costly operations that necessitate the deployment of specific means and can span several years, or even several decades. The priority projects most often concern intermediate-level long-lived waste (ILW-LL), for which newWRP processes must be defined. The following table presents a synthesis of the main safety risks on these priority projects and the difficulties encountered in their implementation, along with the associated time frames. OBSERVATORY OF WASTE RETRIEVAL AND PACKAGING PROJECTS 336 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021