4.3 Assessment of the CEA’s decommissioning strategy Given the number and complexity of the operations to be carried out for all the nuclear facilities concerned, the CEA is giving priority to reducing the “dispersible inventory(5)”, which is currently very high in certain facilities, particularly in some of the individual facilities of the Marcoule DBNI and in BNIs 56 and 72. In their Position Statement Letter of 27 May 2019, ASN and the ASND considered that, given the resources allocated by the State and the large number of facilities undergoing decommissioning for which legacy waste retrieval and storage capacity will need to be built, it was acceptable for CEA to envisage staggering the decommissioning operations and that priority be given to the 5. Part of the inventory of the radionuclides of a nuclear facility that groups the radionuclides that could be dispersed in the facility in the event of an incident or accident, or even, for a fraction of them, be released into the environment. facilities with the greatest safety risks. The two Authorities have since observed changes in the WRP schedules presented by the CEA, particularly the pushing back of waste management deadlines, including for operations considered to be priorities. ASN, ASND and the CEA have agreed to set up regular monitoring of these operations, through progress indicators in particular. As concerns facilities classified as lower priority, ASN and ASND have also noted significant push-backs of some of the decommissioning deadlines announced by the licensee since 2016. The two authorities will rule on the CEA’s justifications for these schedule push-backs on reception of the facilities’ decommissioning files. 340 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021 13 – DECOMMISSIONING OF BASIC NUCLEAR INSTALLATIONS