Order of 12 November 2021 modifying the Order of 18 December 2019 relative to the procedures for training the Radiation Protection Expert-Officer (RPE-O) and the certification of training organisations and Radiation Protection Organisations (OCR) and the Order of 23 October 2020 regarding measurements taken for the assessment of risks and checks on the effectiveness of the prevention means put into place for the protection of workers against the hazards of ionising radiation The procedures for entry into force of these two Orders are brought into conformity with the provisions of the abovementioned Decree. The Order of 18 December 2019, issued pursuant to Article R. 4451-126 of the Labour Code, defines the conditions for performance of the duties of the Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA). The Order of 23 October 2020, issued pursuant to Article R. 4451-51 of the Labour Code, specifies the methods for taking measurements for risk assessments. It reorganises the procedures and the conditions for performance of technical inspections, henceforth called “verifications”, by making them proportional to the scope of the implications for worker radiation protection. Calling on an accredited organisation is only required at commissioning of the installation and the working equipment, as well as after any major modification of them liable to affect the health and safety of the workers. Finally, the employer may use the company’s own resources for the periodic verifications, notably by or under the supervision of its Radiation Protection Adviser. The radiation protection competence centres Order of 28 June 2021 concerning the radiation protection competence centres The Order is issued pursuant to Article R. 4451-126 of the Labour Code. For the BNIs, it allows the implementation of the new Radiation Protection Organisation introduced by Decree 2018‑437 of 4 June 2018, which contributes to the transposition of Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom of 5 December 2013 setting the Basics Standards for Health Protection against the hazards resulting from exposure to ionising radiation. The competence centres are the RPAs for the employer and the licensee of a BNI. The Order defines the roles and the organisational requirements of the radiation protection competence centres mentioned in Article R. 4451-113 of the Labour Code and Article R. 593-112 of the Environment Code, and the procedures and conditions for approval of these centres. It in particular states that the employer and the licensee of a BNI must submit their request for approval of the ASN competence centres before 2 January 2022. Pending their approval, the employer and the licensee must set up provisional competence centres. 1.2.2 Basic Nuclear Installations Order of 7 February 2012 setting the general rules concerning Basic Nuclear Installations (“BNI Order”) The work to revise this Order continued in 2021. 1.3 ASN resolutions ASN resolution 2021-DC-0707 of 2 March 2021 concerning the procedures for remote hearing by the Commission of persons from outside ASN This resolution organises the procedures for remote hearings by the ASN Commission. The ASN Chairman may decide that persons from outside ASN will be given a hearing by the Commission by telephone or audiovisual means, or by any process allowing the electronic exchange of written documents, in the conditions set out by Ordinance 2014‑1329 of 6 November 2014 regarding the remote deliberations of collegial administrative bodies and Decree 2014-1627 of 26 December 2014 concerning the procedures for the organisation of remote deliberations by collegial administrative bodies. Resolution of 19 October 2021 adopting the internal regulations of the ASN administrative enforcement Committee The internal regulations of the ASN administrative enforcement Committee were adopted by the members of the Committee on 19 October, during the session instituting the latter. It comprises provisions regarding the working of the Committee, how it investigates requests for issue of a fine referred to it, summons procedures, the running of sessions, deliberations, as well as a reminder of the references of the texts governing incompatibilities and the professional ethics obligations of its members. The internal regulations of the ASN administrative enforcement Committee were published in the Official Journal on 5 November 2021 and in the ASN Official Bulletin on 8 November 2021. 1.3.1 Radiation protection ASN resolution 2020-DC-0694 of 8 October 2020 concerning the qualifications of physicians or dental surgeons who perform procedures using ionising radiation for medical or research purposes involving humans, the qualifications required in order to be appointed a coordinating physician of a nuclear activity for medical purposes or request a license or registration as a natural person ASN updated the qualifications required for physicians or dental surgeons using ionising radiation for medical or research purposes involving humans, in order to adapt the regulatory provisions to changing techniques and performance conditions. This resolution repeals the previous one dating from 2011 (ASN resolution 2011-DC-0238) and clarifies the definition of the qualifications: 1. of the physician or dental surgeon performing procedures using ionising radiation for medical or research purposes involving humans; 2. of the physician coordinating the steps taken to ensure radiation protection of the patients (Article 1333-131 of the Public Health Code); 3. of the natural person responsible for a nuclear activity for medical purposes, in other words a physician who reports a nuclear activity to ASN or a physician who requests ASN authorisation for radiotherapy, nuclear medicine or computed tomography. It entered into force on 7 July 2021, after publication of its approval order of 5 July 2021 in the Official Journal. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021 35 REGULATORY NEWS