ASN Report 2021

1.3.2 Pressure Equipment ASN resolution 2021-DC-0702 of 26 January 2021 modifying resolution 2020-DC-0688 of 24 March 2020, concerning the qualification of organisations tasked with the inspection of Nuclear Pressure Equipment This resolution corrects an error in the 2020 resolution; the conformity evaluation which takes place when installing a Nuclear Pressure Equipment (NPE) or nuclear assembly (mentioned in 4.1 a) in Annex V of the Order of 10 December 2015 having been omitted from the scope of qualification. The modifying resolution corrects this error. It entered into force on 27 February 2021, after publication of its approval order of 16 February 2021 in the Official Journal. 1.4 The professional guidelines approved by ASN ASN resolution 2021-033633 of 12 July 2021 by the ASN Chairman accepting professional guidelines regarding the installation of in-service leak plugging systems on Nuclear Pressure Equipment This is a resolution accepting the EDF professional guidelines reference D450712014967 index 5 regarding the installation of in-service leak plugging systems on NPE. Article 10-4 of the Order of 30 December 2015 regarding NPE and some of its protection accessories enables the licensee to fit a leak plugging system to the NPE during operation, in accordance with the procedures of professional guidelines submitted to ASN for acceptance. The specified resolution approves the guidelines proposed by EDF. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021 37 REGULATORY NEWS