Dampierre‑en‑Burly nuclear power plant The Dampierre-en-Burly NPP is situated on the right bank of the Loire river, in the Loiret département, about 10 km downstream of the town of Gien and 45 km upstream of Orléans. It comprises four 900 MWe reactors which were commissioned in 1980 and 1981. Reactors 1 and 2 constitute BNI 84, and reactors 3 and 4 BNI 85. The site accommodates one of the regional bases of the Nuclear Rapid Intervention Force (FARN), the special emergency response force created by EDF in 2011, following the Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident. Its role is to intervene in pre-accident or accident situations, on any NPP in France, by providing additional human resources and emergency equipment. ASN considers that the nuclear safety performance of the Dampierre-en-Burly NPP is in line with its general assessment of the EDF plants. Environmental and radiation protection performance, for their part, remain below the national average. With regard to nuclear safety, although normal operational management of the facility remains satisfactory on the whole (improvements in periodic test management are to be underlined), organisational def iciencies linked to shortcomings in the documents and communication between the management teams were the cause of several significant events during the year 2021. As far as maintenance of the facilities is concerned, the site’s performance is considered satisfactory, particularly in an industrial context where a first reactor on the site is undergoing its fourth ten-yearly outage. Although improvements in management of the explosion risk were observed in 2021, f ire risk management remains substandard and will be a priority area of ASN action in 2022. The radiation protection performance of the Dampierreen‑Burly NPP remains seriously inadequate, as has been the case for several years. Although the outside contractor monitoring programmes and verif ications conducted by the independent safety organisation are found appropriate, numerous deviations were again observed in 2021, particularly in the control of radiological cleanliness and the dispersion of contamination on the work sites in controlled areas. A plan of rigour was put in place on the site in 2017, but it has not yet restored the expected levels of performance. Given this situation, ASN will maintain targeted monitoring of the site’s radiation protection in 2022. Lastly, the environmental protection performance of the Dampierre‑en‑Burly NPP also remains insufficient. Although the discharge limits for gaseous effluents are respected and a signif icant improvement in management of the microbiological risk compared with the preceding years was noted in 2021, cases of exceeding the liquid effluent discharge limits for certain chemical parameters were observed. Furthermore, the national action concerning management of the containment of dangerous substances conducted by ASN in 2021 on several EDF sites revealed the Dampierre‑en‑Burly site to be very far below average in this area. The necessary corrective actions in this area are therefore expected in 2022. An administrative procedure to modify the environmental resolutions governing the site’s discharges engaged in 2021 will continue in 2022 to allow the implementation of a new treatment against the proliferation of pathogenic organisms and changing of the discharge limits of several substances. Lastly, with regard to labour inspection, further to the actions conducted in 2021, management of the electrical risk will remain a priority in 2022 in view of the organisational difficulties detected in this respect on the Dampierre‑en‑Burly site. ASN nevertheless notes that the site has put in place a schedule for performing the regulatory electrical inspections. Inspections were moreover carried out on diverse themes such as handling, lifting devices, activities and works taking place during reactor outages. Organisational difficulties discovered during these inspections oblige the licensee to put in place corrective actions, which shall be specif ically monitored in 2022. THE INSTALLATIONS AND ACTIVITIES TO REGULATE COMPRISE: ཛྷ Basic Nuclear Installations: • the Belleville‑sur‑Loire NPP (2 reactors of 1,300 MWe), • the Dampierre‑en‑Burly NPP (4 reactors of 900 MWe), • the Saint‑Laurent‑des‑Eaux site: the NPP in operation (2 reactors of 900 MWe), and the 2 Gas-Cooled Reactors (GCRs) undergoing decommissioning and the irradiated graphite sleeve storage silos, • the Chinon site: the NPP in operation (4 reactors of 900 MWe), the 3 GCRs undergoing decommissioning, the Irradiated Material Facility (AMI) and the Inter-Regional Fuel Warehouse (MIR); ཛྷ small-scale nuclear activities in the medical sector: • 8 external-beam radiotherapy departments, • 3 brachytherapy departments, • 11 nuclear medicine departments, • 32 centres performing fluoroscopy-guided interventional procedures, • 38 computed tomography scanners, • some 2,700 medical and dental radiology devices; ཛྷ small-scale nuclear activities in the veterinary, industrial and research sectors: • 10 industrial radiography companies, • about 330 industrial, veterinary and research radiography devices; ཛྷ activities associated with the transport of radioactive substances; ཛྷ ASN-approved laboratories and organisations: • 2 organisations approved for radiation protection controls, • 4 laboratories approved for taking environmental radioactivity measurements. p. 202 p. 232 p. 260 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2021 53 REGIONAL OVERVIEW OF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION CENTRE-VAL DE LOIRE