ASN Report 2023

2.3 THE FRENCH NUCLEAR SAFETY AUTHORITY The French Nuclear Safety Authority (Autorité de sûreté nucléaire – ASN), created by the TSN Act, is an independent administrative Authority which takes part in regulating nuclear safety, radiation protection and the nuclear activities mentioned in Article L. 1333-1 of the Public Health Code. Its roles are to regulate, authorise, monitor and support the public authorities in the management of emergency situations and to contribute to information of the public and transparency within its fields of competence. ASN is governed by a Commission comprising five Commissio- ners, including the ASN Chairman. They are appointed for a 6-year term. Three are appointed by the President of the Republic and one by the President of each Parliamentary assembly. ASN comprises departments placed under the authority of its Chairman. ASN comprises an administrative enforcement Committee (see below). For the purposes of technical analysis and assessment, it more particularly draws on the services of IRSN and the Advisory Committees of Experts (GPEs). 2.3.1 Role and duties Regulation ASN is consulted on draft decrees and ministerial orders of a regulatory nature dealing with nuclear safety as defined in Article L. 591-1 of the Environment Code. It can issue technical regulations to complete the implementing procedures for Decrees and Orders adopted in the nuclear safety or radiation protection field, except for those relating to occupational medicine. These regulations must be approved by the Minister responsible for nuclear safety or the Minister responsible for radiation protection. Approval orders and approved resolutions are published in the Official Journal. Authorisation ASN reviews BNI creation authorisation or decommissioning applications, issues opinions and makes proposals to the Government concerning the decrees to be issued in these fields. It authorises significant modifications to a BNI. It defines the requirements applicable to these installations with regard to the prevention of risks, pollution and detrimental effects. It authorises commissioning of these installations and pronounces delicensing following completion of decommissioning. Some of these resolutions require approval by the Minister responsible for nuclear safety. ASN issues the licenses, carries out registration and receives the notifications provided for in the Public Health Code concerning small-scale nuclear activities and issues licenses or approvals for radioactive substances transport operations. The ASN resolutions and opinions debated by its Commission are published in its Official Bulletin on its website Regulation and oversight ASN verifies compliance with the general rules and specific requirements for nuclear safety and radiation protection applicable to BNIs, to the PE designed specifically for these facilities and to the transport of radioactive substances. It also regulates the activities mentioned in Article L. 1333-1 of the Public Health Code and the ionising radiation exposure situations defined in Article L. 1333-3 of the same Code. ASN organises a permanent radiation protection watch throughout the national territory. From among its staff, it appoints nuclear safety inspectors, radiation protection inspectors and inspectors carrying out labour inspectorate duties. ASN issues the required approvals and certifications to the organisations participating in the verifications and in nuclear High Committee for Transparency and Information on Nuclear Security High Council for Prevention of Technological Hazards Central Committee for Pressure Equipment High Public Health Council Advisory Committees of Experts Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety General regulations Regulation of installations Clarification of Government decisions Issue of other authorisations Government Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Mission The French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) National Assembly and Senate Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technical Choices (OPECST) Parliamentary Commissions Major decisions concerning BNIs Creation authorisation Final shutdown and Decommissioning (MAD-DEM) Decree Regulation of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France 128 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 • 02 • The principles of nuclear safety and radiation protection and the regulation and oversight stakeholders