ASN Report 2023

As set out by law, the Committee will meet exclusively when convened by the ASN Commission. This latter may decide to open a procedure leading to issue of a fine after clearly determining that the person responsible for nuclear activities has not complied with a formal notice, in other words has not taken the measures required by this formal notice. The fines will be proportional to the seriousness of the observed breaches and in particular take into account the extent of the impact on the environment. The maximum amount of the fines is set by law at 10 million euros, in the event of a breach of the provisions applicable to BNIs, one million euros for a breach of the provisions applicable to NPE, €30,000 in the field of transport of radioactive substances, and €15,000 for small-scale nuclear activities. The administrative fine issue procedure includes compliance with the adversarial principle. No penalty can be imposed without the party concerned or their representative having been heard or summoned. The Committee’s decision may be made public. The decisions pronounced by the Administrative Enforcement Committee may be referred to the administrative jurisdiction (Council of State) by the person concerned, by the ASN Chairman or by the third parties. ASN head office departments The ASN head office departments comprise an Executive Committee, a General Secretariat, a Management and Expertise Office, an Oversight Support Office, a delegation in charge of innovative reactors, and nine departments covering specific themes. Under the authority of the ASN Director General, the Executive Committee organises and manages the departments on a dayto-day basis. It ensures that the orientations determined by the Commission are followed and that ASN’s actions are effective. It oversees and coordinates the various entities. The role of the departments is to manage national affairs concerning the activities under their responsibility. They take part in defining the general regulations and coordinate and oversee the actions of the ASN regional divisions: ∙ The Nuclear Power Plant Department (DCN) is responsible for regulating and monitoring the safety of the NPPs in operation, as well as the safety of future power generating reactor projects. It contributes to the development of regulation/oversight strategies and ASN actions on subjects such as facility ageing, reactor service life, assessment of NPP safety performance and harmonisation of nuclear safety in Europe. The DCN comprises six offices: “Hazards and Safety Reviews”, “Equipment and Systems Monitoring”, “Operation”, “Core and Studies”, “Radiation Protection, Environment and Labour Inspectorate” and “Regulation and New Facilities”. ∙ The Nuclear Pressure Equipment Department (DEP) is responsible for monitoring the safety of PE installed in BNIs. It monitors the design, manufacture and operation of NPE and application of the regulations by the manufacturers and their subcontractors and by the nuclear licensees. It also monitors the approved organisations performing the regulation checks on this equipment. The DEP comprises three offices: “Evaluation of the conformity of new NPE”, “In-service monitoring” and “Relations with the divisions and interventions”, plus two units: “Baseline requirements, quality audits” and “Organisations inspections irregularities”. ∙ The Transport and Radiation Sources Department (DTS) is responsible for monitoring activities relating to sources of ionising radiation in the non-medical sectors and to transport of radioactive substances. It contributes to the drafting of technical regulations, to monitoring their application and to managing authorisation procedures (installations and equipment emitting ionising radiation in non-medical sectors, suppliers of medical and non-medical sources, accreditation of packaging and of relevant organisations). It took charge of oversight of the security of radioactive sources. The DTS comprises two offices: “Transport Monitoring” and “Radiation Protection and Sources”, plus a “Source Security” section. ∙ The Waste, Research Facilities and Fuel Cycle Department (DRC) is responsible for monitoring “nuclear fuel cycle” facilities, research facilities, nuclear installations being decommissioned, contaminated sites and radioactive waste management. It takes part in monitoring the underground research laboratory (Meuse/Haute-Marne) and the research facilities covered by international conventions, such as the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) or the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project. The DRC comprises five Offices: “Radioactive Waste Management”, “Monitoring of Laboratories-plants-wastedecommissioning and Research facilities”, “Monitoring of Fuel Cycle Facilities”, “Management of Reactor Decommissioning and the Cycle Front-end” and “Management of Cycle Backend Decommissioning and Legacy Situations”. ∙ The Ionising Radiation and Health Department (DIS) is tasked with regulating medical applications of ionising radiation and – in collaboration with IRSN and the various health From left to right: J. Collet, P. Bois, O. Gupta, D. Delalande, V. Cloître and C. Quintin (not on photo: S. Cadet-Mercier) The members of the executive committee 130 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 • 02 • The principles of nuclear safety and radiation protection and the regulation and oversight stakeholders