ASN Report 2023

Training re-engineering work to adapt the modules following the Covid-19 pandemic, led to optimisation of the training time. Thus in 2023, 2,445 days of training were provided for the ASN staff over a wide variety of topics, representing 111 training actions either face to face or by video-conference. These figures are supplemented by a large number of hours devoted to self-training by each trainee. The training committee ensures that the training system matches the needs and strategic objectives set out in the Multi-Year Strategic Plan (PSP). Social dialogue As a State administration, ASN has three social dialogue bodies: ∙ the Local Social Administration Committee (CSAP) which replaced the Social Dialogue Committee as of 1 January 2023; ∙ the Joint Consultative Commission (CCP); ∙ the Organisation specialising in health safety and working conditions (FSSSCT) set up within the CSAP, as of 1 January 2023, and which takes over most of the duties of the former committee (Committee for Health, Safety and Working Conditions – CHSCT). The CSAP and its specialist organisation are two bodies which allow extensive and regular discussions on all subjects affecting collective work issues. The CSAP deals with questions regarding the organisation and working of the departments, the strategic orientations for human resource policy and the organisation of work. The specialist organisation is competent for topics regarding the protection of physical and mental health, hygiene, staff safety, the use of digital tools and improvements to working conditions. The CCP is a body that is competent to examine and be consulted on certain decisions regarding the individual situation of contractual staff. During the course of 2023, the ASN CSAP met six times to deal with various subjects (organisation and working of the departments, additional social protection, the HR policy implemented to reinforce the attractiveness of ASN, renewal of the IT equipment and the deployment of Rainbow (instant messaging and videoconference software), inclusion of SOHF in dealing with the merger between ASN and IRSN, etc.). It issued opinions on the texts presented by the administration (the internal rules of procedure of the bodies, the creation of an MRI delegation, the internal procedure for collecting and processing whistle-blower alerts, an assessment of tele-working, the single social report, the travel charter, etc.). The CSAP was specifically asked for its opinion on the bill concerning the organisation of nuclear safety and radiation protection governance, in order to address the challenge of the nuclear industry’s revival. For its part, the FSSSCT met twice in 2023. It placed great emphasis on taking account of occupational health and safety aspects, the prevention of occupational risks, improvement of working conditions in ASN’s organisation and operations modification projects and in the performance of its duties. As part of its role of preventing occupational risks, the FSSSCT was informed of the intended procedure for Psychosocial Risks Management (RPS), as well as the system for sending staff to the site in the event of an emergency. The FSSSCT also issued opinions on the assessment of radiation protection in 2023 and the plans to redevelop the head office premises. The CCP, which has competence for the contractual staff, met once in 2023. The debates primarily concerned the working methods of the CCP, for which the mandates were renewed during the professional elections of December 2022. Finally, the social dialogue process involved regular meetings between the personnel representatives throughout the year. For the purposes of the merger between IRSN and ASN, planned to take place on 1 January 2025, the trades union organisations at ASN and IRSN signed an agreement in December 2023 creating a Consultative Committee for the Merger Project (called the “CCPF”) which supplements the personnel representative bodies of each entity, in order to promote consultation between the general management and personnel representatives of both ASN and IRSN. From left to right: S. Forest, J.-P. Deneuvy, A. Beauval, H. Brûlé, E. Gay, J. Labit and H. Vanlaer (not on photo: O. David, V. Jechoux et O. Morzelle) The Regional Representatives (as at 31 December 2023) ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 133 • 02 • The principles of nuclear safety and radiation protection and the regulation and oversight stakeholders 02 05 15 08 11 04 14 06 07 13 AP 03 10 09 12 01