ASN Report 2023

The HCTISN can issue an opinion on any question in these fields, as well as on controls and the relevant information. It may also examine all questions concerning the accessibility of information on nuclear safety and propose all measures such as to guarantee or improve nuclear transparency. It can be called on by the Government, Parliament, the CLIs or the licensees of nuclear facilities, with regard to all questions relating to information about nuclear safety and its regulation and oversight. The HCTISN’s activities are described in chapter 5. 2.4.2 The High Council for Public Health The High Council for Public Health (HCSP), created by Act 2004-806 of 9 August 2004 concerning public health policy, is a scientific and technical consultative body reporting to the Minister responsible for health. It contributes to defining the multi-year public health objectives, reviews the attainment of national public health objectives and contributes to their annual monitoring. Together with the health agencies, it provides the public authorities with the expertise necessary for managing health risks and for defining and evaluating prevention and health safety policies and strategies. It also anticipates future developments and provides advice on public health issues. 2.4.3 The High Council for Prevention of Technological Risks Consultation about technological risks takes place before the High Council for Prevention of Technological Risks (CSPRT), created by Ordinance 2010-418 of 27 April 2010. Alongside representatives of the State, the Council comprises licensees, qualified personalities and representatives of environmental associations. The CSPRT, which takes over from the high council for classified facilities, has seen the scope of its remit extended to pipelines transporting gas, hydrocarbons and chemicals, as well as to BNIs. The Government is required to submit Ministerial Orders concerning BNIs to the CSPRT for its opinion. ASN may also submit resolutions relating to BNIs to it. By Decree of 28 December 2016, the scope of competence of the CSPRT was again expanded. A standing sub-committee responsible for preparing the Council’s opinions in the field of PE takes the place of the Central Committee for Pressure Equipment (CCAP). The role of this sub-committee is to examine non-regulatory decisions falling within this scope of competence. It comprises members of the various administrations concerned, persons chosen for their particular competence and representatives of the PE manufacturers and users and of the technical and professional organisations concerned. It must be referred to by the Government and by ASN for all questions relating to Ministerial Orders concerning PE. The accident files concerning this equipment are also copied to it. 2.4.4 The Local Information Committees and the National Association of Local Information Committees and Commissions The BNI Local Information Committees (CLIs) are tasked with a general duty of monitoring, information and consultation on the subject of nuclear safety, radiation protection and the impact of nuclear activities on humans and the environment, with respect to the facilities on the site or sites which concern them. They may request expert assessments or have measurements taken on the installation’s discharges into the environment. The CLIs, whose creation is incumbent upon the President of the General Council of the département, comprise various categories of members: representatives of département General Councils, of the municipal councils or representative bodies of the groups of communities and the Regional Councils concerned, members of Parliament elected in the département, representatives of environmental protection associations, economic interests and representative trade union and medical profession union organisations, and qualified personalities. The status of the CLIs was defined by the TSN Act of 13 June 2006 and by Articles R. 125-50 et seq. of the Environment Code. It was reinforced by the 2015 TECV Act. The duties and activities of the CLIs are described in chapter 5. The roles of the National Association of Local Information Committees and Commissions (Anccli) are to represent the CLIs in dealings with the national and European authorities and to provide assistance to the commissions with regard to questions of common interest. 2.5 ASN’S TECHNICAL SUPPORT ORGANISATIONS ASN benefits from the expertise of technical support organisations when preparing its decisions and resolutions. IRSN is the main one. For several years now, ASN has been devoting efforts to ensuring greater diversification of its experts. 2.5.1 Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety The Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) was created by Act 2001-398 of 9 May 2001 setting up a French environmental health safety agency and by Decree 2002-254 of 22 February 2002 as part of the national reorganisation of IAEA’s Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) missions are designed to improve and reinforce the efficiency of national nuclear regulatory frameworks, while recognising the ultimate responsibility of each State for ensuring safety in this field. These missions take account of regulatory, technical and strategic aspects, make comparisons with IAEA Safety Standards and, as applicable, take account of best practices observed in other countries. These audits are the result of the European Nuclear Safety Directive which requires a peer review mission every ten years. ASN considers that by contributing to the adoption of the best international practices, the IRRS missions constitute a tool for the continuous improvement of safety worldwide. In 2006, ASN welcomed the first IRRS review mission concerning all the activities of a safety regulator. A follow-up mission took place in 2009 and then ASN welcomed a further IRRS mission in 2014, expanded to take in management of the safety/security interfaces. This mission then led to a follow-up mission in 2017. The reports from these various missions can be consulted on A new IRRS mission had been scheduled for March 2024, but given the ongoing reforms to nuclear safety and radiation protection regulation and oversight, the decision was taken to postpone this mission to a time when the new organisation is in place. In addition, several ASN staff members also take part as experts in IRRS missions abroad. ASN INTERNATIONAL AUDITS – IRRS MISSIONS 136 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 • 02 • The principles of nuclear safety and radiation protection and the regulation and oversight stakeholders