ASN Report 2023

The total IRSN budget for 2023 amounted to €298 million, of which €85.1 million were devoted to the provision of technical support for ASN. IRSN credits for providing ASN with technical support come in part (€43.7 million) from programme 190 (see below). The rest (€41.4 million) comes from a contribution from the nuclear licensees. This contribution was set up under the amended Budget Act of 29 December 2010. Moreover, in the light of a rise in spending linked to inflation effects (mainly concerning salary levels, and operations) affecting all of IRSN’s activities, including technical support for ASN, additional funding was obtained by drawing on the establishment’s working capital. In total, in 2023, the State’s budget for transparency and the regulation and oversight of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France amounted to €311.87 million. By way of comparison, the amount of taxes collected by ASN in 2023 amounted to €763.46 million: ∙ €559.62 million from BNI taxes (paid into the State’s general budget); ∙ €124.51 million from additional “support”, “disposal” and “research” taxes (allocated to various establishments, including Andra, municipalities and Public Interest Groupings – GIP); ∙ €79.33 million from the special contribution for the management of radioactive waste (allocated to Andra). This complex funding structure is detrimental to the overall clarity of the cost of regulation. It moreover leads to difficulties in terms of budgetary preparation, arbitration and implementation. 4 Outlook The year 2024 will be marked by the ASN and IRSN merger project. This project entails legislative and regulatory modifications that will be examined by Parliament during the first half of the year. At the same time, and in order to be ready on 1 January 2025, working groups set up jointly by ASN and IRSN will work to produce an organisational template. This template should enable full advantage to be taken from the resources and synergies of the two structures. All the personnel will be involved to varying degrees in the construction of this future Authority. Social dialogue will take place both through the existing social bodies and through a CCPF specially created for this purpose. The MRI, created in 2023, will continue to ramp up in order to oversee the new industrial or experimental prototype SMR projects. With regard to skills, and in line with implementation of the PSP, ASN will continue to adapt them to the new challenges in order to reinforce the oversight of organisational and human factors, project management and the industrial capacity of the licensees and their suppliers. With regard to the budget and funding, work will continue in conjunction with the other State departments on defining a budget programme to underpin the merger project. With regard to expert assessment, the work to involve the various GPEs will continue given the growth in the volume of the important examinations, such as the Nuward project, the 4th periodic safety review of the 1,300 MWe reactors, the EPR 2 or the Cigéo project. TABLE Breakdown of licensee contributions LICENSEE AMOUNT FOR 2023 (MILLIONS OF EUROS) BNI TAX ADDITIONAL WASTE AND DISPOSAL TAXES SPECIAL ANDRA CONTRIBUTION CONTRIBUTION ON BEHALF OF IRSN EDF 530.60 96.67 63.00 47.48 Orano‑Framatome 18.00 6.20 4.00 5.62 CEA 4.36 16.68 12.33 6.94 Andra 5.41 3.30 – 0.40 Others 1.25 1.67 – 0.71 Total 559.62 124.51 79.33 61.14 3 142 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 • 02 • The principles of nuclear safety and radiation protection and the regulation and oversight stakeholders