ASN Report 2023

Depending on the gravity of the offence, additional sentences may be applied to legal persons. Class five penalties (fines) are stipulated in the field of nuclear safety for infringements mentioned in Article R. 596-16 of the Environment Code, as well as in the field of radiation protection for infringements mentioned in Articles R. 1337-14-2 to 5 of the Public Health Code, for example with regard to non-compliance with the requirements for notification of a significant event, to the administrative system (transmission of the title application file, compliance with general requirements, information concerning changes to the RPA). With regard to pressure equipment, the provisions of Chapter VII of Title V of Book V of the Environment Code, which apply to products and equipment representing a risk, which covers pressure equipment, including that installed in BNIs, notably order the payment of a fine, plus a daily penalty payment as applicable, until compliance with the formal notice served on the licensees. This Chapter also includes provisions applicable to the manufacturers, importers and distributors of such equipment, aiming to ban the marketing, commissioning or continued operation of an equipment item and to serve the licensee with formal notice to take all steps necessary to ensure conformity with the legislative and regulatory provisions applicable to its activity. In the performance of their duties in NPPs, the ASN labour inspectors have at their disposal all the inspection, decisionmaking and enforcement resources of ordinary law inspectors (pursuant to Article R. 8111-11 of the Labour Code). Observation, formal notice, administrative sanction, report, injunction (to obtain immediate cessation of the risks) or even stoppage of the works, offer the ASN labour inspectors a broad range of incentive and constraining measures. Finally, the inspector may record offences which do not fall within their scope of competence, such as an irregularity comparable to fraud (see point 5.1). In this case – and in the event of a misdemeanour this is mandatory – a report is sent to the Public Prosecutor’s Office. In 2023, six violation reports were drawn up by the ASN inspectors. Table 8 shows the number of Violation Reports drawn up by the ASN inspectors between 2018 and 2023. TABLE Number of reports transmitted by the ASN inspectors between 2018 and 2023 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Report excluding labour inspection in the NPPs 14 8 4 2 3 4 Labour inspection report in the NPPs 2 4 8 0 2 2 8 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 167 • 03 • Regulation of nuclear activities and exposure to ionising radiation 03 05 15 08 11 04 14 06 07 13 AP 10 02 09 12 01