ASN Report 2023

4 Outlook Following on from the efforts made in 2023, particular attention will be paid during the exercises to emergency information and communication. Regular work will also continue on transboundary coordination with neighbouring countries in order to provide a coherent and harmonised response to any transboundary accident. The dispatch of ASN inspectors to a site that has experienced an accident, which has been regularly tested since 2021, will also be continued during the exercises. With regard to inspections, ASN will continue its efforts to test the operational nature of emergency management at the licensee by means of simulations. 2024 is the last year of the Codirpa’s current mandate. The inclusion of new panels of citizens incorporating the general public into the pluralistic group for drafting of proposals to the Government, will enable the work on the following to be finalised: the consideration of accidents other than those in NPPs, waste management, and the management of aquatic environments in the post-accident phase. The INEX 6 exercise, proposed by the NEA in 2024, will be an opportunity to compare French postaccident doctrine with that of other countries, and to consolidate it if necessary. Finally, ASN and IRSN will in 2024 carry out the preparatory work needed for the merging of their emergency organisations around a single emergency centre. The aim is to reinforce the effectiveness and visibility of the support provided to the State’s services in an emergency situation. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 179 • 04 • Radiological emergency and post-accident situations 04 05 15 08 11 14 06 07 13 AP 03 10 02 09 12 01