ASN Report 2023

1 Developing relations with the various audiences 1.1 THE GENERAL PUBLIC ASN works to ensure that citizens have reliable information on the nuclear risk and that they develop the right radiation protection reflexes in all circumstances (particularly with respect to the risks of exposure of medical personnel and patients during medical activities involving ionising radiation, but also for people living close to nuclear installations). To this end, ASN develops relations with its stakeholders and uses diverse vectors: printed or digital publications, website, social networks, events communication, etc. Since 2022, ASN has participated in National resilience day (13 October) which aims to raise citizen awareness to natural and industrial risks. This national day brings together several nuclear sector actors (the National Association of Local Information Committees and Commissions – Anccli, EDF and the Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety – IRSN) in order to raise public awareness of the nuclear risks and what to do in the event of a nuclear alert. To do this, the partners conducted a coordinated drive on the social networks during the month of October. In its youth-focused work, ASN renewed its support for the “International High School Radiation Protection Meetings”, where French and foreign high school pupils can share the research work they have s carried out during the academic year. On 23 and 24 May 2023, about a hundred high school pupils and their teachers from France, Japan and Moldova gave a presentation on the Marcoule site (Gard département) of their work on the prevention of risks associated with radioactivity. The Cahiers de l’ASN publications aim to provide an informative overview of major subjects relating to nuclear safety. With numerous illustrations (diagrams, photos, computer graphics) and short and airy texts, it is designed to make for easy reading. The Cahiers de l’ASN are distributed to nearly 6,000 subscribers and are available at Four Cahiers have been published since 2018 (Cahier #01 – Nuclear power plants going beyond 40 years: the issues of the fourth periodic safety review of the French 900 MWe nuclear power reactors; Cahier #02 – Nuclear power plants going beyond 40 years: what are the conditions for the continued operation of EDF’s 900 MWe reactors?; Cahier #03 – 10 years after Fukushima: what safety improvements for nuclear facilities in France?; Cahier #04 – The decommissioning challenges: ensuring the correct performance of this final phase in the life of a nuclear facility). A Cahier de l’ASN focusing on the issues of the fourth periodic safety review of the 1,300 Megawatts electric (MWe) reactors and another on the management of radioactive waste will be published in early 2024. The Act of 13 June 2006 on Transparency and Security in the Nuclear Field defined not only the public’s right to be informed but also the nuclear players’ duty of transparency. To fulfil its duty to inform, the French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN), focuses its efforts in two directions: • In a proactive approach, the website gives access to the inspection follow-up letters, significant event notices, information notices, press releases and the ASN resolutions. Its news is communicated through the social networks and its Lettre de l’Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN newsletter). ASN also develops educational aids: videos, computer graphics, travelling exhibition, etc. In addition, ASN translates information notices, press releases and content concerning important issues. These publications in English support ASN’s action on the international bodies. Lastly, ASN engages in specific actions with the professionals (guides, conferences, seminars) in order to promote the regulations and enhance their awareness of the safety and radiation protection issues. • The ASN spokespersons respond to numerous queries from the media. Each year ASN is given a hearing before the Parliament on its activities and high-stake issues. ASN also contributes to the work of the Local Information Committees (CLIs). Lastly, ASN is contacted by stakeholders (NGOs, professionals, local authorities, etc.) to obtain documents or to find out its position on technical, environmental and regulatory subjects, and on nuclear safety and radiation protection. 05 International High School Radiation Protection Meetings – May 2023 182 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 • 05 • Informing the public