ASN Report 2023

AN EXHIBITION TO RAISE PUBLIC AWARENESS Organise the exhibition to meet your specific need You can set up the exhibition that will best meet the needs of your audience. It can be consulted on-line to choose the appropriate display boards. 1.1 Conception : Directions de la communication ASN et IRSN – Octobre 2021 Conception et réalisation graphiques : — Pictos : Freepik, Kazoar – Photos : zlikovec/Adobe Stock, Olivier Seignette/Mikaël Lafontan/Médiathèque IRSN Reproduction interdite sans l’accord de l’ASN/IRSN. Pour toute information : 1.1 Conception : Directions de la communication ASN et IRSN – Octobre 2021 Conception et réalisation graphiques : — Pictos : Freepik, Kazoar – Photos : zlikovec/Adobe Stock, Olivier Seignette/Mikaël Lafontan/Médiathèque IRSN Reproduction interdite sans l’accord de l’ASN/IRSN. Pour toute information : Easy to set up The exhibition takes the form of lightweight roll-up display boards that are easy to set up and take down. It can be adapted to the surface area and the layout of the hosting site. It can be set up by a single person without assistance. It takes about 30 minutes to set up fifteen display boards and 15 minutes to take them down. Provided free of charge ASN and IRSN make the exhibition available to town councils, teachers, local information committees, heads of associations and companies, health professionals, etc. It can be integrated into numerous events and meet the needs of varied situations: emergency exercises, science fairs, open days, Day of resilience, educational projects, etc. Radioactivity, what is it? The radioactivity around us The radon in our homes The effects of radioactivity on the body Treating illness with radiation Little-known uses of radiation Are nuclear power plants safe? The nuclear accident The “fuel cycle” What do we do with radioactive waste? The nuclear stakeholders 85 DISPLAY BOARDS 11 SEQUENCES The ASN‑IRSN exhibition “Discovering and understanding radioactivity” intends to disseminate clear and objective information, without taboos or biases, on radioactivity, its uses, its risks, and its effects on health and the environment. Each display board features computer graphics along with precise explanations, a “debate” section setting out the diversity of opinions and a popularised presentation of the subject for the younger audiences. To borrow the exhibition, go to:‑asn‑informe/exposition‑asn‑irsn “RADIOACTIVITÉ DÉCOUVRIR & COMPRENDRE” 184 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 • 05 • Informing the public