ASN Report 2023

6 Outlook ASN’s dynamic international relations observed in 2022 were confirmed in 2023, with close relations with numerous foreign safety regulators and a strong presence by ASN in the international bodies. The international nuclear environment is in a period of flux, with the emergence of new challenges. Following on from the actions already initiated in 2023, ASN will help to identify the priority and strategic subjects to be regularly tackled with its counterparts, notably those related to regulatory practices to authorise and oversee new nuclear reactor projects, such as SMRs, or the continued operation of the reactors in service. At a time of renewed interest in nuclear energy in a certain number of countries, in particular in Europe (Sweden, Netherlands, etc.), ASN will in 2024 continue with the exchanges started in 2023 in order to meet the needs of its counterparts regarding the authorisation and oversight of new installations. Relations could also be intensified with the authorities of certain countries (Poland, Czech Republic, etc.) according to the political choices they will be making with regard to nuclear development. At a European level, ASN will continue its actions within WENRA and HERCA, aiming to consolidate the role of the two associations on the international stage and reinforce the ability of their members to deal with the new challenges. The year 2024 will also see a large number of international events, with the publication in the summer of the national report in preparation for the 8th review meeting of the Joint convention on the safety of spent fuel management and the safety of radioactive waste management, scheduled for March 2025. In addition, within the context of the 2nd thematic peer review under the European nuclear safety Directive, the year will also be devoted to work following on from the October 2023 publication of the national self-assessment report regarding the handling of the fire risk in nuclear installations. ASN will also be maintaining its commitment to the NEA and the IAEA by promoting its position, in particular for the IAEA’s Nuclear Harmonization and Standardization Initiative (NHSI) regarding SMRs. In a nuclear context faced with new challenges, notably linked to the energy crisis, climate change, the war in Ukraine and the growing interest in new technologies and innovation, ASN will work to promote collective vigilance internationally with a view to maintaining a high level of safety, and to consider these challenges as opportunities to bring out further progress with regard to safety. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 203 • 06 • International relations 06 05 15 08 11 04 14 07 13 AP 03 10 02 09 12 01