ASN Report 2023

THE CONFORMITY OF THE FACILITIES As in previous years, ASN considers that EDF must continue the targeted inspection actions it has been deploying over the last few years. The specific inspections implemented during the fourth ten-yearly outages are enabling a large number of deviations to be detected. The organisation adopted by EDF to process the deviations detected has improved in recent years and is satisfactory. EDF notably reinforced the dedicated teams, both in its head office departments and in the NPPs, notably with respect to reactor outages. Overall, EDF is processing deviations within a time-frame that is acceptable. However, ASN considers that analysis of the potentially generic nature of a deviation affecting several plants after detection on one particular site should be carried out more rapidly. MAINTENANCE As a general rule, the organisation in the NPPs for large-scale maintenance operations was again relatively satisfactory in 2023. However, in 2023 as in previous years, ASN found certain points needed to be improved, such as the coordination between the disciplines and the projects, or within the maintenance departments, the quality of the documentation made available to the parties concerned, or management of spare parts. With regard to the numerous maintenance activities resulting from the continued operation of the reactors and the “major overhaul” programme, ASN considers that it is important for EDF to maintain the efforts started in order to remedy these difficulties and improve the quality of its maintenance activities. Improvements were observed in 2023 regarding management of the quality of subcontracted activities, notably thanks to the provision of a growing number of spaces for preparation on mock-ups of the work to be done, and increased monitoring by EDF of the technical procedures. EDF’s monitoring of manufacturing operations for safety-important equipment in supplier plants is however unsatisfactory. OPERATION In terms of reactor operation and control, ASN considers that performance improved in 2023. The actions plans covering operational rigour initiated in recent years by certain NPPs are appearing to bear fruit. However, the number of significant events related to control room monitoring faults further increased this year. This subject must be a priority for EDF in the coming years. In 2023, ASN observed improvements in the working of the operating teams training departments. Persistent weaknesses in the skills acquisition process for operating personnel were however still observed during the inspections or during analysis of significant events, which raises questions regarding the effectiveness and scope of the training. EDF must further improve management of equipment temporary storage sites and warehouses, which represent significant calorific potential, along with management of sectorisation in order to contain any outbreak of fire. With regard to firefighting, and at the request of ASN, EDF has been working for several years on the deployment of a new organisation on its sites and on improving its response capacities, together with the Departmental Fire and Emergency Services (SDIS). The ASN inspections focusing on the emergency organisation and resources confirmed that the organisation, preparedness and management principles for emergency situations have been correctly assimilated. EDF must nonetheless continue with its efforts to maintain the operational condition of certain resources that could be called on in an emergency situation and must increase its vigilance regarding work done in the emergency management rooms or close to equipment needed for emergency management. The analyses carried out by the sites following significant events are generally pertinent, but must go further in identifying human failures, and in investigating the work situations and organisational processes involved. The assessment of corrective action effectiveness must also progress. Finally, ASN again observed a shortage of personnel in the teams in charge of conducting independent evaluations of reactor safety in certain NPPs. EDF intends to remedy this situation by increasing the staff numbers dedicated to this activity. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ASN considers that the management of intakes and discharges into the environment of the various NPPs is on the whole satisfactory. Certain events however reflect the weaknesses indicative of operating faults or ageing of certain equipment, which can have consequences in terms of availability and the effectiveness of treatment prior to discharge. In 2023, the inspections carried out by ASN showed that EDF is improving its management of non-radiological hazards with potential consequences outside the sites, a subject for which the inspections conducted in 2022 had revealed a situation that was unsatisfactory. ASN considers that waste management is also continuing to improve. Progress is however still needed, notably with regard to duration of storage, inventory-keeping and the conformity of storage facilities. WORKER RADIATION PROTECTION AND OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY ASN considers that the radiation protection expertise centres created at the end of 2022 are functioning satisfactorily. The approach used in preparing for work and optimising doses is also considered to be satisfactory on most of the NPPs. However, on several sites, ASN found deviations in compliance with reinforced rules specific to apprentices under 18 years of age and personnel on fixed-term contracts, which EDF must remedy. ASN also notes the persistence of problems with management of industrial radiography worksites observed in 2022. With regard to occupational health and safety, the number of accidents with time lost is up on 2022. Progress is needed to improve the management of situations presenting risks for the workers, notably with regard to lifting work, asbestos and electrical hazards. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 21 ASN assessments