ASN Report 2023

Since 2006, provisions have been incorporated into the ASN resolutions for advance definition of the operations of NPPs in exceptional climatic conditions leading to significant warming of the watercourses upstream of the NPPs. These special provisions are however only applicable if the security of the electricity grid is at stake. Waste management In compliance with the provisions of the Environment Code, EDF carries out waste sorting at source, differentiating in particular between waste from nuclear zones and other waste. For each installation, EDF produces a summary of the management of this waste, in particular presenting a description of the operations which are the cause of production of the waste, the characteristics of the waste produced or to be produced, an estimation of the waste traffic volumes and a waste zoning plan. In addition, every year, each site sends ASN a summary report on its production of waste and the corresponding disposal routes, a comparison with the results of previous years, a summary of the site organisation and the differences observed with respect to the management procedures specified in the waste management study, the list of significant events which have occurred and the outlook for the future. Prevention of the health impacts caused by the growth of legionella and amoeba in certain cooling systems of the NPP secondary systems The secondary cooling systems of nuclear reactors equipped with a cooling tower are environments favourable to the development of legionella and other amoeba. EDF monitors the legionella and amoeba concentrations and takes preventive measures and, if necessary, remedial measures in accordance with the provisions of ASN resolution 2016-DC-0578 of 6 December 2016 on the prevention of risks resulting from the dispersion of pathogenic micro-organisms (legionella and amoeba) by the cooling installations of the systems. For most of these reactors, preventive and remedial measures to limit the development of legionella and amoeba are based on the injection of a biocidal product (monochloramine) into the cooling system. 2.6.2 Prevention and control of the non-radiological risks Prevention of non-radiological risks with airborne effects The accidents with effects said to be “non-radiological” are those which can arise from the release of hazard potentials not specific to the nuclear activity, insofar as they not concern radioactive substances. These hazard potentials, which can also be present in other industries covered by the system for Installations Classified for Protection of the Environment (ICPEs), are associated with storage facilities and processes using gaseous or liquid chemical substances. The consideration of these non-radiological accidents is included in the nuclear safety case in accordance with the provisions of Title III of the Order of 7 February 2012, through a specific study known as the non-radiological risks study. This study is drawn up using the methodology applicable to ICPEs. The purpose of this study is to justify the thermal and toxic effects, projectiles or over-pressure effects generated by release of the hazard potentials present on the site and leading to no effects beyond the perimeter of the site. This justification is based, on the one hand, on identification of the hazard potentials (storage facilities or processes) and their potential hazard sources and, on the other, on characterisation of the possible dangerous phenomena and the specific prevention measures for reducing both probability and effects. Each NPP thus has a study of non-radiological risks which analyses and as necessary identifies the possible dangerous phenomena, as well as the specific material and organisational provisions for preventing these phenomena or limiting their effects. Prevention of liquid pollution resulting from accidental spillage of dangerous substances As with numerous industrial activities, the operation of a NPP involves the handling and storage of dangerous liquid chemical substances. The management of these substances and the prevention of pollution, which are the responsibility of the licensee, are regulated by the Order of 7 February 2012 and ASN resolution 2013-DC-0360 of 16 July 2013 and must also comply with the requirements of the European texts. The licensee has obligations regarding the operational management of these substances and the identification of the corresponding potential hazards. It must also be able to take the necessary steps in the event of any incident or accident situations which would lead to pollution. The licensee must thus for instance precisely identify the location of each dangerous substance on its site, along with the corresponding quantities. Drums and tanks must be labelled in compliance with the European Classification, Labelling, Packaging (CLP) regulation and there must be retention areas designed to collect any spills. The NPPs must also adopt an organisation and resources to prevent pollution of the natural environment (groundwater, river, soil). For several years and at the request of ASN, EDF has been carrying out steps to improve its management of the pollution risk by working to improve the confinement of dangerous liquid substances on its sites. 2.6.3 Assessment of control of environmental and health impacts and non-radiological hazards ASN monitors the organisational and material measures put into place by EDF to prevent non-radiological risks and the liquid pollution that could result from the dangerous substances present in its installations. It also checks those designed to guarantee control of the detrimental effects arising from the operation of the installations, such as water intake, effluent discharges into the natural environment, and pathogenic hazards. As each year, ASN carried out inspections on these measures in 2023. ASN in particular carried out a campaign of tightened inspections in the Dampierre-en-Burly, Belleville-sur-Loire and Gravelines NPPs on these topics. During these inspections, the inspectors carried out field checks and situational exercises, and examined the organisation of the NPPs. With regard to the control of non-radiological risks, and even though a number of areas for improvement were identified, in particular in terms of preparedness for the risk of release of dangerous substances, in order to protect people inside and outside the site, the inspectors noted the considerable commitment made in this field by the EDF teams. This point, confirmed by other specific inspections on this topic, represents a step forwards by comparison with ASN’s findings in 2022. In 2024, ASN will maintain its vigilance on this subject. 308 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 • 10 • The EDF Nuclear Power Plants