ASN Report 2023

framework. It reforms the certification of external contractors working in areas where there are significant risks of exposure to ionising radiation, using the graded approach. It takes account of the observations of the European Commission (EC) on the transposition of Directive 2013/59/Euratom of 5 December 2013 concerning the continuity of service by radiation protection experts and the training of occupational health professionals. It classifies as category A those workers exposed to a dose to the eye lens higher than 15 millisieverts (mSv) over 12 consecutive months. Finally, it clarifies the procedures for application of certain rules, notably those concerning the dose constraints, the use of operational dosimeters, periodic checks on means of transport or on measuring instruments. • Decree 2023-722 of 3 August 2023 relative to Installations Classified for Protection of the Environment (ICPEs) operating on the basis of acquired rights and subject to Directive 2010/75/ EU of the European Parliament and Council of 24 November 2010 concerning industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control) This Decree is in response to the formal notice served on France by the EC, reference INFR(2022)2057 C (2022)3978 relative to “vested rights” with respect to ICPEs, in which the EC considered that for installations benefiting from acquired rights, French regulations did not stipulate that they required a permit with prescriptions compliant with the requirements of the Directive. • Decree 2023-1104 of 28 November 2023 containing various provisions regarding the periodic safety reviews of nuclear power reactors and shutdown of Basic Nuclear Installations (BNIs) The purpose of this Decree is to improve access to information by the public and by foreign States during the periodic safety review of a nuclear power reactor after the 35th year of operation and to enable the licensee to postpone transmission of the data associated with this process for all the periodic safety reviews in the event of difficulties with performing some of the planned activities. It also updates the provisions concerning the final shutdown of an installation in the light of the changes introduced by the Act of 22 June 2023 concerning the acceleration of the procedures linked to the construction of new nuclear facilities close to existing nuclear sites and to the operation of the existing facilities. • Order of 16 January 2023 amending the Order of 12 January 2017 defining the template form for the “case by case examination request” pursuant to Article R. 122-3-1 of the Environment Code This Order modifies the form for the “case by case examination request” as part of the environmental assessment system. • Order of 28 February 2023 relative to activities subject to authorisation set out in Article R. 1333-4 of the Defence Code, concerning category III nuclear materials in installations or which are imported and exported, outside a point of vital importance designated under the energy sector national security Directive (civil nuclear sub-sector) and Order of 13 April 2023 with regard to activities subject to authorisation set out in Article R. 1333-4 of the Defence Code, concerning category I and II nuclear materials in installations, which are imported and exported, or present in a point of vital importance designated under the energy sector national security Directive (civil nuclear sub-sector) These two Orders specify the nuclear security obligations for the persons concerned (those carrying out an activity, except for transport, associated with nuclear materials in the stated categories). They supplement two Orders published at the end of 2022: the Order of 27 December 2022 relative to activities subject to authorisation set out in Article R. 1333-4 of the Defence Code concerning category IV nuclear materials in installations or which are imported and exported, outside a point of vital importance in the energy sector (civil nuclear sub-sector) and the Order of 27 December 2022 relative to physical monitoring, nuclear materials accounting, implementing Articles R. 1333-3-2 and R. 1333-11 of the Defence Code, for activities not subject to authorisation set out in Article R. 1333-4 of the same Code. • Order of 16 June 2023 defining the national template for the environmental permit application This Order modifies the national template for the environmental permit application set out in the Order of 28 March 2019. • Order of 20 June 2023 relative to the analysis of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in aqueous discharges from Installations Classified for Protection of the Environment (ICPEs) subject to the authorisation system This Order defines the procedures for a campaign to identify and analyse the PFAS substances to be found in the aqueous discharges of certain ICPEs subject to authorisation. Twenty PFAS substances targeted by the European Directive on waters intended for human consumption will have to be analysed. It should be noted that other substances that could be analysed are also mentioned. In order to adapt the conduct of the analysis campaigns to the availability of the laboratories, they will be staggered over a period of time according to the activity sectors and the corresponding number of installations in them. • Order of 23 June 2023 relative to the procedures for registration and access to the “Siseri” ionising radiation exposure monitoring information system and amending the Order of 26 June 2019 relative to the individual monitoring of worker exposure to ionising radiation This Order defines the new procedures for registration and access to “Siseri” by authorised persons (workers, occupational physicians and occupational health professionals, radiation protection advisers, inspectors or inspection staff). It repeals the relevant Articles of the Order of 26 June 2019 (Art. 2 to 8, 10 to 15 and 19 to 22). The other provisions of the Order of 26 June 2019 remain in force. The main modifications made concern: ∙ direct access by the worker to “Siseri” via the France Connect+ web portal as of 1 July 2024 (option added to the existing possibility of a direct request to the French Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety – IRSN); ∙ on 1 July 2024, extension of access to “Siseri” to the other health professionals liable to intervene, under the responsibility of the occupational physician, as part of the reinforced individual monitoring of an exposed worker; ∙ the period for retention of the various data by the accredited organisations and by IRSN, in accordance with the proportionality principle defined by the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); ∙ clarification of access to the results of individual dosimetric monitoring in “Siseri” by prevention engineers, intervening in support of the labour inspectorate system’s inspection staff. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 31 Regulatory News