ASN Report 2023

• Order of 26 June 2023 containing procedures for the approval of laboratories performing analysis of water and aquatic environments pursuant to the Environment Code This Order defines the conditions in which a laboratory performing physico-chemical, chemical, hydrobiological or ecotoxicological analyses of water, sediments, or biota in water and aquatic environments can be approved by the Minister for the Environment. • Order of 30 June 2023 relative to restriction measures – during periods of drought – on the intake of water and water consumption by Installations Classified for Protection of the Environment (ICPEs) This Order defines the restriction measures on water intake and consumption by industrial sites, as well as the exemption conditions for certain installations. It applies consistently with the catchment area guideline Orders, the departmental and interdepartmental framework Orders as well as with the prefectural Orders applicable to ICPEs. When the local context so warrants, these Orders may notably stipulate any provisions more restrictive than those set out in this present Order, in order to protect the interests mentioned in Article L. 511-1 of the Environment Code. These Orders may also be revised in order to take account of the provisions of this Order. • Order of 16 November 2023 defining the methods for calculating effective doses and equivalent doses resulting from human exposure to ionising radiation This Order sets the methods for calculating effective doses and equivalent doses resulting from human exposure to ionising radiation pursuant to Article R. 1333-24 of the Public Health Code. It is applicable as of 1 January 2024 and on this date repeals the Order of 1 September 2003 (same title): ∙ for the calculation of effective doses, the tissue and radiological weighting factors take account of publication 103 from the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP); ∙ for workers, the effective dose coefficients per unit of activity ingested or inhaled are taken from ICRP publications 134, 137, 141, 151. The coefficients for the public, taken from publication 119, are maintained, except for radon. With regard to workers, two radon coefficients are proposed: ∙ for indoor workplaces in which the activity of the workers is primarily sedentary (service sector, offices, etc.): 3 Sv/m.d.m-3 ; ∙ for indoor workplaces in which the activity of the workers is primarily non-sedentary (significant physical activity: works, maintenance, servicing, etc.): 6 Sv/m.d.m-3. • Modification of the Order of 7 February 2012 setting the general rules concerning Basic Nuclear Installations (“BNI Order”): the work to revise this Order continued in 2023. ASN resolutions Resolutions issued pursuant to the Public Health Code • Resolution CODEP-DIS-2023-014569 from the ASN Chairman of 16 March 2023 approving the Guide for continuing training in radiation protection of persons exposed to ionising radiation for medical purposes, intended for neurosurgeons performing intra-cranial radiosurgery procedures in stereotactic conditions In accordance with Decree 2018-434 of 4 June 2018, ASN determines the objectives of continuing training in the radiation protection of patients and, along with the health professionals, establishes the programmes, teaching methods and evaluation procedures. The guides, approved by ASN, are then published. All the guides are available on Summary of two resolutions issued in 2022 (included in the 2022 Annual Report), but approved in 2023: • ASN resolution 2022-DC-0747 of 6 December 2022 setting the rules to be verified by the party responsible for the nuclear activity pursuant to Article R. 1333-172 of the Public Health Code (approved by the Order of 18 January 2023 approving ASN resolution 2022-DC-0747 of 6 December 2022 setting the rules to be verified by the party responsible for the nuclear activity pursuant to Article R. 1333-172 of the Public Health Code) Resolution 2022-DC-0747 supplements the Order of 24 October 2022 relative to the procedures and frequency of the checks on the rules put into place by the party responsible for the nuclear activity, implementing III of Article R. 1333-172 of the Public Health Code, in its version derived from Decree 2018-437 of 4 June 2018 relative to the protection of workers against the hazards of ionising radiation. With regard to the provisions relative to the Public Health Code, this resolution – as at its date of entry into force – repeals ASN resolution 2010-DC-0175 of 4 February 2010 which previously regulated the technical inspections both for the Public Health Code and for the Labour Code. • ASN resolution 2022-DC-0748 of 6 December 2022 setting the conditions and procedures for the approval of organisations responsible for the checks mentioned in Article R. 1333-172 of the Public Health Code (approved by the Order of 18 January 2023 approving ASN resolution 2022-DC-0748 of 6 December 2022 setting the conditions and procedures for the approval of organisations responsible for the checks mentioned in Article R. 1333-172 of the Public Health Code) Resolution 2022-DC-0748 is in response to Article R. 1333-174 of the Public Health Code, which requires an ASN resolution for organisations approved to conduct checks in the field of radiation protection concerning the detailed list of information to be enclosed with the approval and approval renewal applications mentioned in II of Article R. 1333-172 and the procedures for the issue, renewal, verification and suspension of approvals. 32 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 Regulatory News