ASN Report 2023

Operations carried out in the plants The reprocessing plants comprise several industrial units, each of which performs a specific operation. Consequently there are facilities for the reception and storage of spent fuel assemblies, for their shearing and dissolution, for the chemical separation of fission products, uranium and plutonium, for the purification of uranium and plutonium, for treating the effluents and for conditioning the waste. When the spent fuel assemblies arrive at the plants in their transport casks, they are unloaded either “under water” in the spent fuel pool, or dry in a leaktight shielded cell. The fuel assemblies are then stored in pools for cooling. The fuel assemblies are then sheared and dissolved in nitric acid to separate the pieces of metal cladding from the spent nuclear fuel. The pieces of cladding, which are insoluble in nitric acid, are transferred to a compacting and conditioning unit. The nitric acid solution comprising the dissolved radioactive substances is then processed in order to extract the uranium and plutonium and leave the fission products and other transuranic elements. After purification, the uranium is concentrated and stored in the form of UO2(NO3)2. It will then be converted into a solid compound (U3O8) called “reprocessed uranium” in the TU5 facility on the Tricastin site. After purification and concentration, the plutonium is transformed back into plutonium oxide, packaged in sealed containers and stored. It is then intended for the fabrication of MOX fuels in the Orano plant in Marcoule (Melox). The effluents and waste produced by the operation of the plants The fission products and other transuranic elements resulting from reprocessing are concentrated, vitrified and packaged in Standard vitrified waste packages (CSD-V). The pieces of metal cladding are compacted and packaged in Standard compacted waste packages (CSD-C). These reprocessing operations also use chemical and mechanical processes, the operation of which generates gaseous and liquid effluents as well as solid waste. The gaseous effluents are released mainly when the fuel assemblies are sheared and during the dissolution process. These gaseous effluents are treated by washing in a gas treatment unit. The residual radioactive gases, particularly krypton and tritium, are checked before being discharged into the atmosphere. The liquid effluents are treated and usually recycled. After verification and in accordance with the discharge limits, certain radionuclides, such as iodine and tritium, are sent to the marine outfall. The other effluents are routed to on-site packaging units (solid glass or bitumen matrix). The solid waste is conditioned on-site, either by compacting, or by encapsulation in cement, or by vitrification. The solid radioactive waste from the reprocessing of spent fuel assemblies from French reactors is, depending on its composition, either sent to the lowlevel and intermediate-level, short-lived waste (LLW/ILW-SL) repository at Soulaines (see chapter 15) or stored on the Orano site at La Hague, pending a final disposal solution; this is notably the case for the CSD-V and CSD-C, for which final disposal is envisaged in the planned Cigéo project (see chapter 15). In accordance with Article L. 542-2 of the Environment Code, the radioactive waste from the reprocessing of spent fuel assemblies from abroad, is sent back to the producer country. It is however impossible to physically separate the waste according to the fuel from which it originates. In order to guarantee an equitable distribution of the waste resulting from the reprocessing of the fuels of its various customers, the licensee has proposed an accounting system that tracks the entries into and exits from the La Hague plant. This system, called “Exper”, was approved by the 2 October 2008 Order from the Minister responsible for energy. 1.4 “FUEL CYCLE” CONSISTENCY IN TERMS OF NUCLEAR SAFETY AND RADIATION PROTECTION The “nuclear fuel cycle” comprises the fabrication of the nuclear fuel used in the nuclear power plant reactors, its storage, its reprocessing after irradiation and management of the resulting waste. Several licensees are involved in the cycle: Orano, Framatome, EDF and the French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency (Andra). ASN monitors the overall consistency of the industrial choices made with regard to fuel management and which could have consequences for safety. Over and above the safety issues specific to each facility, there are systemic safety issues affecting the “fuel cycle”, notably from the viewpoint of balancing the operation of the various facilities and managing the inventories of radioactive substances and the corresponding storage needs. On 18 October 2018, ASN issued its opinion 2018-AV-0316 on the “2016 Cycle Impact” dossier, jointly drafted with the industrial stakeholders in the “cycle”. This dossier presents the consequences for each step in the “fuel cycle” of the strategy implemented by EDF for use of different types of fuels in its reactors, different energy mix scenarios envisaged by the Multiyear Energy Programme (PPE), or the operating contingencies of the plants involved in the “fuel cycle”. It underlines the need to anticipate any strategic change in the functioning of the “fuel cycle” by at least ten years so that it can be designed and carried out under controlled conditions of safety and radiation protection. It is a question for example – given the incompressible development times for industrial projects – of ensuring that the needs for the creation of new spent fuel storage facilities or for new transport packaging designs are addressed sufficiently early. In December 2020, EDF, together with Framatome, Orano and Andra, updated its “fuel cycle” management outlook to take account of energy mix scenarios consistent with the PPE published in April 2020. This outlook was modified substantially in the light of subsequent French energy policy orientations; prospective simulation work is regularly presented to ASN by the licensees concerned, notably during joint hearings of Orano and EDF by the ASN Commission. In the light of the quantitative prospects resulting from the range of scenarios considered, and the reduced margins available in the pools on the La Hague site, it appears that there is a risk of saturation of the spent fuel storage capacity as of the early 2030s, or even before in the event of a major problem with one or more “cycle” facilities. ASN underlines the need for the “cycle” facilities and associated storage capacities to have significant margins with respect to the various energy scenarios envisaged and with regard to the contingencies liable to affect the operations. 334 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 • 12 • “Nuclear fuel cycle” facilities