ASN Report 2023

By letter of 5 May 2021, EDF submitted to the Minister responsible for nuclear safety a request to amend the Iceda Creation Authorisation Decree (DAC), to allow the acceptance of decommissioning waste from the Fessenheim NPP, which is currently being examined by ASN. Regarding conditioning of the waste, ASN authorised EDF to condition its waste in the C1PGSP package through resolution CODEP‑DRC-2021‑013808 of 19 July 2021. The validity of this conditioning authorisation was limited to 31 December 2023. After examining complementary studies submitted by EDF, ASN authorised the continuation of waste conditioning through resolution CODEP DRC-2023-68099 of 18 December 2023. Further to the inspections carried out in 2023, ASN considers that the licensee’s organisation and management of the waste induced by the process have improved. INTER-REGIONAL WAREHOUSE The Inter-Regional Warehouse (MIR – BNI 102) operated by EDF at Bugey is a storage facility for fresh nuclear fuel intended for the NPP fleet in operation. ASN conducted an inspection of the fuel reception process in 2023. The organisation of this process was considered robust, but ASN has asked for improvements in fire detection training and management. SAINT-ALBAN NUCLEAR POWER PLANT The Saint-Alban NPP, operated by EDF in the Isère département on the municipalities of Saint‑Alban‑du‑Rhône and Saint‑Maurice‑l’Exil, 40 km south of Lyon, comprises two 1,300 MWe PWRs commissioned in 1986 and 1987. Reactor 1 constitutes BNI 119 and reactor 2 BNI 120. ASN considers that the performance of the Saint-Alban NPP with regard to nuclear safety, radiation protection and environmental protection is in line with the general assessment of EDF plant performance. With regard to nuclear safety, ASN finds that the site’s facilities are operated and maintained satisfactorily despite disruptions in the industrial programme in 2023. Reactor 1 was shut down for its refuelling and maintenance outage. EDF had difficulties in managing the outage activities schedule and several deviations from the safety requirements were highlighted during ASN’s work site inspections. As far as reactor operation is concerned, control room monitoring and management of the operating team’s skills are deemed satisfactory. With regard to occupational radiation protection, ASN considers that the control of occupational exposure is satisfactory. However, with regard to the Significant Radiation Protection Events (ESRs) reported in 2023, ASN is still waiting for improvements in the radiation protection culture and rigour in the marking out of work sites and the management of tools and radioactive waste. As far as environmental protection is concerned, the NPP’s results are satisfactory but ASN wants to see faster responses to the technical problems impacting the environmental protection systems. With regard to health and safety at work, ASN observes that the site is continuing the deployment of the national EDF actions, particularly regarding the electrical risks and lifting. Specific actions relating to the electrical risk have been satisfactorily implemented on the site. Although the level of accidents is broadly under control, particular vigilance must be maintained during the reactor outages. CRUAS-MEYSSE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Commissioned between 1984 and 1985 and operated by EDF, the Cruas-Meysse NPP is situated in the Ardèche département on the municipalities of Cruas and Meysse and comprises four PWRs of 900MWe each. Reactors 1 and 2 constitute BNI 111 and reactors 3 and 4 constitute BNI 112. ASN considers that the overall performance of the CruasMeysse NPP with regard to nuclear safety, radiation protection and environmental protection is in line with ASN’s general assessment of the EDF plant performance. With regard to nuclear safety, ASN expects an improvement in operating rigour and activity preparation. The measures deployed in 2023 under the operating rigour improvement plan to limit maintenance non-qualities in particular (training sessions, supervision, assistance in activity preparation) must be continued. Furthermore, the occurrence of several significant events relating to inappropriate operating actions reveals difficulties in normal operational management, the preparation of activities and monitoring. ASN also observed maintenance problems during the reactor outages in 2023. ASN considers it essential for the site to improve control of the maintenance activities before starting the site’s fourth ten-yearly outages, which will begin in summer 2024 on reactor 3. Improvements in radiation protection compared with the preceding years were observed in 2023, notably with a reduction in occupational contamination events. Nevertheless, a tightened inspection on the subject revealed deviations in the upkeep of the facilities, management of the work site zone containment airlocks and management of the controlled areas. The situation regarding environmental protection has improved compared with 2022. More specifically, the means implemented to avoid the overflow of the cooling tower ponds prevented overflows similar to those that occurred in the preceding two years. ASN notes a reduction in the number of Significant Environmental Events (ESE), but considers that the licensee must remain attentive to the control of containment of pollutions by liquids. 38 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 Regional overview of nuclear safety and radiation protection • AUVERGNE‑RHÔNE‑ALPES •