ASN Report 2023

ASN considers that the management of the NPP decommissioning project is satisfactory. ASN notes positively the management of the interfaces between the project and the site, in particular with the planned reinforcement of the project team within the NPP. Nevertheless, with regard to the monitoring of the facilities, EDF must ensure that it meets the prescribed deadlines for carrying out all the periodic checks and ensures the traceability of the characteristics of the materials with a view to their reuse or the future delicensing of the facility. As from 2024, ASN will be particularly attentive to the application of the new baseline requirements for the complete decommissioning of the facility and to the maintenance of the equipment required for the decommissioning operations, especially the handling equipment. ASN will also maintain its vigilance regarding the radiation protection plan, particularly concerning compliance with the controlled area entry rules. ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 47 Regional overview of nuclear safety and radiation protection • BRETAGNE •