ASN Report 2023

After purification, the uranium is concentrated and stored in the form of uranyl nitrate (UO2(NO3)2). It will then be converted into a stable solid compound (U3O8) in the TU5 facility on the Tricastin site. The uranium resulting from this process is called “reprocessed uranium”. After purification and concentration, the plutonium is precipitated by oxalic acid, dried, calcined into plutonium oxide, packaged in sealed containers and stored. The plutonium is then used for the fabrication of MOX (Mixed OXide) fuels in the Orano plant in Marcoule (Melox). The effluents and waste produced by the operation of the plants The fission products and other transuranic elements resulting from reprocessing are concentrated, vitrified and packaged in Standard vitrified waste packages (CSD-V). The pieces of metal cladding are compacted and packaged in Standard compacted waste packages (CSD-C). Furthermore, the reprocessing operations described in the previous paragraph involve chemical and mechanical processes which produce gaseous and liquid effluents and solid waste. The solid waste is packaged on site by either compaction or encapsulation in cement. The solid radioactive waste resulting from the reprocessing of the spent fuel assemblies from the French reactors is, depending on its composition, either sent to the Aube repository (CSA) or stored on the Orano Recyclage La Hague site until a definitive disposal solution is found (particularly the CSD‑V and CSD‑C packages). In accordance with Article L. 542-2 of the Environment Code, radioactive waste from the reprocessing of spent fuels of foreign origin is shipped back to its owners. It is however impossible to physically separate the waste according to the fuel from which it originates. In order to guarantee an equitable distribution of the waste resulting from the reprocessing of the fuels of its various customers, the licensee has proposed an SHUT DOWN INSTALLATIONS UNDERGOING DECOMMISSIONING BNI 80 • Oxide High Activity (HAO) facility: • HAO/North: Facility for “under water” unloading and storage of spent fuel elements, • HAO/South: Facility for shearing and dissolving spent fuel elements; BNI 33 • UP2‑400 plant, first reprocessing unit: • HA/DE: Facility for separating uranium and plutonium from fission products, • HAPF/SPF (1 to 3): Facility for fission product concentration and storage, • MAU: Facility for separating uranium and plutonium, uranium purification and storage as uranyl nitrate, • MAPu: Facility for purification, conversion to oxide and initial packaging of plutonium oxide, • LCC: Central product quality control laboratory, • ACR: Resin conditioning facility; BNI 38 • STE2 facility: effluent collection and treatment and storage of precipitation sludge, and AT1 facility, prototype facility currently being decommissioned; BNI 47 • ELAN IIB facility, research installation currently being decommissioned. INSTALLATIONS IN OPERATION BNI 116 • UP3-A plant: • T0: Facility for dry unloading of spent fuel elements, • Pools D and E: Storage pools for spent fuel elements, • T1: Facility for shearing fuel elements, dissolving and clarification of the resulting solutions, • T2: Facility for separating uranium, plutonium and fission products and concentrating/storing fission product solutions, • T3/T5: Facilities for purification and storage of uranyl nitrate, • T4: Facility for purification, conversion to oxide and packaging of plutonium, • T7: Fission products vitrification facility, • BSI: Plutonium oxide storage facility, • BC: Plant control room, reagent distribution facility and process control laboratories, • ACC: Hull and end-piece compaction facility, • AD2: Technological waste packaging facility, • ADT: Waste transit area, • EDS: Solid waste storage area, • E/D EDS: Solid waste storage/removal from storage facility, • ECC: Facilities for storage and retrieval of technological waste and packaged structures, • E/EV South-East: Vitrified residues storage facility, • E/EV/LH and E/EV/LH 2: Vitrified residues storage facility extensions; BNI 117 • UP2-800 plant: • NPH: Facility for “under water” unloading and storage of spent fuel elements in pool, • Pool C: Spent fuel element storage pool, • R1: Facility for shearing and dissolving fuel elements and clarification of the resulting solutions (including the URP: Plutonium redissolution facility), • R2: Facility for separating uranium, plutonium and fission products and concentrating /storing fission product solutions (including the UCD: Centralised alpha waste conditioning unit), • SPF (4, 5, 6): Fission product storage facilities, • R4: Facility for purification, conversion to oxide and initial packaging of plutonium oxide, • BST1: Facility for secondary packaging and storage of plutonium oxide, • R7: Fission products vitrification facility, • AML • AMEC: Package reception and servicing facility; BNI 118 • STE3 facility: Effluent collection and treatment and storage of bituminised waste packages: • E/D EB: Alpha waste storage/removal from storage, • MDS/B: Mineralisation of solvent waste. THE INSTALLATIONS AT LA HAGUE ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 75 Regional overview of nuclear safety and radiation protection • NORMANDIE •