ASN Report 2023

Montrouge, 1 March 2024 Maintaining a high level of regulation and oversight in an unprecedented context EDITORIAL BY THE DIRECTOR GENERAL 8 ASN Report on the state of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France in 2023 he context in which ASN performs its regulation and oversight is unprecedented in more than one respect. The combination of continued operation of older installations and the construction of new installations at a pace not seen for several decades is creating pressure on the resources available in the nuclear industry. The medical nuclear sector is also experiencing pressure on its workforce. Finally, innovations are emerging, both in the industrial field, with Advanced Modular Reactors (AMRs) and in the medical use of ionising radiation with new treatment techniques. ASN is preparing to deal with this new context: it is maintaining a high level of oversight, adapting it to the priority issues; it is preparing to support a significant workload on a long-term basis; it is relying on its in-house culture to ensure the robustness of its examination work and the pertinence of its oversight and decisions. At the same time, further to the Government’s submission of a bill reforming the organisation of regulation and oversight, ASN – together with the French Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) – has initiated preparatory work to ensure the implementation of this bill if enacted. T