
- 202 - ASN finally considers that the lessons learned from the Fukushima accident must be based on an in-depth analysis of the issue of the use of subcontracting, in the same way as all organisational and human aspects regarding the management of accident situations. With regard to the use of subcontracting, further thought must be given to the link between subcontracting and the licensees' exercise of their responsibility, the effects on safety of particular contracting procedures (use of cascaded subcontracting, the choice of contractor companies based on criteria unrelated to price, and so on), the effects on safety of contractor working and living conditions as well as the risks regarding the potential loss of skills at the licensee or within the local industrial fabric. Concerning OHF aspects, an in-depth analysis will need to be carried out to identify the specificities of the intervention conditions in accident situations (difficulties with decision-making, adequacy of human resources, required skills, accessibility and habitability of the premises, stress and fatigue of workers, noise, heat and radiological environment, etc.) and to propose appropriate steps to be taken with respect to the specific nature of the intervention conditions identified. ASN will issue a requirement binding on the licensees. ASN also recommends that research programmes be initiated on the issues of subcontracting and OHF. Finally, ASN proposes setting up a working group on these subjects, comprising the licensees, the trade union organisations, the HCTISN56, the Ministry for Labour and the Ministers responsible for nuclear safety. 56 French High Committee for Transparency and Information on Nuclear Security