
- 231 - Nevertheless, given the development of the facility in the short term, additional information will have to be submitted to take into account the large quantities of ClF3 that will be used as from the end of 2012. ASN will demand this in the framework of the application to modify the facility operating conditions (BNI authorisation decree modification request currently being examined). Comurhex The potential hazard sources for the environment and the populations are:  at Comurhex I: o the storage of hydrofluoric acid (HF) (structure 100 HF); o the fluorination of UF4 into UF6 (structure 400); o the production of fluorine (F2) (structure 200).  at Comurhex II: o the storage of hydrofluoric acid (HF) (unit 61) ; o the fluoridation of UF4 into UF6 (unit 64). The feared situations for Comurhex I are:  on structure 100 HF, a release of HF following loss of storage tank and building sealing, and spillage of the content of a tanker truck waiting for decanting;  on structure 400, spillage of liquid UF6 by sectioning of valve and loss of building sealing;  on structure 200, release of HF further to loss of tank and electrolysis cell containment and destruction of the building. For these feared situations, the radius of the zone of significant hazards for human life if smaller than the envelope radius of the off-site emergency plan (PPI), but leads to lethal effects on areas permanently occupied by humans (A7 motorway, activities zone of Saint-Paul Trois Châteaux, NPP and a number of houses in Bollène l’Ecluse). It implies the implementation of specific measures on the neighbouring NPP. The feared situations for Comurhex II are:  on unit 61, the release of HF following loss of storage tank sealing and a breach in the retention area;  on unit 64, spillage of UF6 following rupture of the crystallising container drainage pipes. By summing all the releases that could result from these feared situations, the radius corresponding to the zone of significant hazards for the human life would be slightly greater than the envelope radius of the PPI but would not impact any permanently occupied areas in the public domain other than the NPP and not either the A7 motorway, for which specific measures are planned. The key systems, structures and components (SSCs) proposed by the licensee for Comurhex II are:  the unit structures (civil engineering);  the equipment containing toxic or radioactive products and the associated retention areas;  the HF tanks and lines;  the vent condensates collection tank;  the electrolysis cells;  the crystallising containers;  the reboiler;  the UF4 storage silos and the decanting lines;  the isolation system of equipment containing HF or UF6;  the equipment involved in seismic detection and cutting off the main electrical power supply further to detection;  all equipment items that could represent a hazard for an SSC in the event of an earthquake. ASN considers that the identification of the feared situations for Comurhex must be supplemented by the inclusion of fire as an aggravating scenario.