- 295 - The risks associated with a total loss of electrical power supply on Comurhex II and the procedure adopted are basically the same as for Comurhex I. Socatri The licensee's file presents no information on the consequences of a loss of electrical power supply for the facility. TU5W The electrical power supply is not considered a safety function for the TU5 and W facilities, because they are placed in safe shutdown condition if electrical power is lost. This being said, the mobile diesel generator sets at the disposal of the local security organisation FLS (local security organisation) enable the safety networks and, if necessary, the inverter batteries to be resupplied. Georges Besse II plant In the event of loss of the off-site electrical power supplies, the actuators automatically move to their safety position and the facilities is automatically placed in safe condition. This event has no impact on safety. Loss of the cooling system / heat sink Loss of the heat sink has no impact on safety for the Eurodif, Comurhex, Socatri, GB II and TU5W facilities. Loss of the main cooling system combined with total loss of the off-site and emergency electrical power supplies The combined loss of the electrical power supply and cooling and the associated consequences would not lead to a feared situation for the Tricastin site facilities. The information presented by the licensees concerning the risk of loss of the electrical power supply and cooling for the Tricastin site raise no particular remarks from ASN. 5.2.2. La Hague site Loss of the electrical power supplies In the event of total loss of the electrical power supply, the following feared situations could arise: loss of the "commanded" rotation system of the pendulum-type centrifugal decanters (DPC); loss of the safeguard cooling function leading to a rise in the temperature of the stored high thermal power solutions (fissile product [FP] tanks) and the water in the pools; loss of the function for diluting the hydrogen from radiolysis when it is ensured by active systems (air superchargers). Design measures taken to prevent loss of the electrical power supplies The site electrical power supply comprises three sources: the normal power supplied from the RTE grids (EDF) and supplying the units via the "electrical distribution sub-stations" (SSRE) and the "utilities buildings sub-stations" (SSBU); the emergency power, supplied by the 15 kV backup power house for the UP2-400 plant and the 20 kV stand-alone power house for the BNIs in operation (also via the SSREs and SSBUs); the backup power for the BNI's in operation and the ultimate backup power for the UP2-400 provided by the diesel generator sets specific to the units that need to have an electrical power supply permanently available, particularly for the dilution of hydrogen from radiolysis and the cooling function.