- 310 - Possibility of using existing equipment in the event of a severe accident The robustness of the general material resources for emergency management have been analysed with respect to the risks of earthquake, flooding, and the two events combined. It should be noted that the existing premises used for emergency management were not designed to withstand an earthquake situation compounded by other accident events. As regards the information and communication means in an emergency, the site has a PPI (off-site emergency plan) siren in accordance with the regulations in effect (Decree No.2005-1269 of 12 October 2005). Nevertheless, its earthquake qualification and autonomy in the event of electrical power supply loss remain to be verified. Furthermore, the ILL does not have an automatic population alerting system which allows a faster response time when PPIs are triggered in the reflex response phase. In the event of a severe accident, loss of the hard-wired telephone network would make it impossible to raise the national alert with the competent authorities (ASN and the prefecture). The ILL indicates that it has ordered satellite telephones to overcome loss of the telephone network. In the interim, an assistance contract has been signed with the CEA to make CEA satellite telephones available. The ILL has independent and rechargeable radio transmission resources (5 frequencies) designed to the DBE. They have a range of about 10 km. A study is underway to increase the seismic resistance of the radio relays between the interior and exterior of the reactor building. With regard to the radiological and environmental equipment used in emergencies, the ILL generally has portable equipment. However, the ILL does not address the availability or autonomy of this equipment in its study. Lastly, the general intervention means that could be deployed would be provided by the CEA Grenoble: emergency diesel generator sets, motor-driven pumps, fire-fighting and rescue vehicles. However, the coordination between the ILL and the CEA to guarantee the availability of the means in an emergency affecting these two sites simultaneously is not formally addressed. Measures envisaged to reinforce accident management capabilities The ILL Grenoble envisages the following emergency management reinforcements: construction of a new emergency operations control centre (PCS) equipped with redundant backup means, for managing combined extreme scenarios; acquisition of satellite telephones. ASN considers that the reinforcements proposed for the ILL are necessary but insufficient, and that they must be supplemented particularly with regard to: the robustness of all the emergency premises (PCD and associated PC) to the combined extreme scenarios: their integration in the new PCS could be envisaged on this account; coordination with the neighbouring licensees; the availability of meteorological and environmental radiological monitoring data. ASN will issue specific demands concerning these aspects, some of which will be requirements. 6.1.3. Facilities of the nuclear fuel cycle Overall assessment The CSA reports submitted by the AREVA group present an appraisal of the planned material and organisational measures for severe accident situations. Their availability and robustness to certain hazards considered in this context, and notably earthquakes, have been described in a global manner. The general finding is that the current human, material and organisational resources are not sufficient to guarantee the availability and functionality of all these resources in a severe accident situation. The licensees present reinforcement provisions that would possibly be envisaged, but without giving any commitments or decisions regarding their deployment. Apart from the creation of a local security organisation, (FLS) at the FBFC Romans facility, the only commitment from the licensees is to perform