- 311 - numerous studies relating to emergency management in order to decide on the necessary material and organisational reinforcements. With regard to emergency management, ASN considers that the AREVA group licensees have established a summary inventory of resources and not drawn the practical conclusions from their findings. On completion of its review, ASN emphasises the importance of the following recommendation, made in the meeting of the advisory committee of experts: "AREVA must take measures to equip each site with robust means for managing an emergency situation, emergency management premises and places for storing these means. The technical and human resources must be capable of managing a situation resulting from hazard levels higher than the facility design-basis hazards". ASN will issue requirements on this subject, focusing in particular on the emergency management premises, the material resources and the means of communication. The Tricastin site Licensee's accident management organisation The organisation as it is described in the on-site emergency plan (PUI) for the Tricastin site facilities enables a total of 113 people to be mobilised for the entire site during working hours, and 47 people outside working hours. Some resources are common to Eurodif Production and SET. The report moreover states that a project for joint organisation of emergency situation management is currently being studied, particularly concerning the accident impact assessments. ASN considers that: any agent who could be deployed on different facilities must obligatorily be trained for each PUI concerned (utilisation of reflex sheets, scenarios, etc.); in the event of a severe accident affecting several facilities on the Tricastin site simultaneously, the availability of resources common to several facilities would not be guaranteed. The Tricastin site report underlines that "in accordance with the convention applicable since 14 April 2011, the site director ensures , [ ] alerting of the prefectures of the Drôme and the Vaucluse, the coordination, the communication and the feedback of information on the situation and its development to the prefectoral authorities and to the PCD-N AREVA [ ]". ASN points out that on the Tricastin site, the holders of the operating license, that is to say the directors of the companies Eurodif Production, Comurhex, SET, Socatri and AREVA NC, act as licensees and as such are responsible for the implementation of their PUI. ASN considers that the consistency of the organisation described in the CSA report must be verified with respect to the national emergency organisation, notably the decision circuit involving the licensee, the préfecture and ASN. AREVA must thus clarify the respective roles and responsibilities of the site director and the holders of the licenses to operate. ASN shall issue requirements regarding these points. Possibility of using existing equipment The report draws up an inventory of the intervention means figuring in the site licensees' PUIs and the offsite emergency means that might be called upon. Their availability and robustness in the event of an earthquake, flooding, or the two combined have been partially assessed. With regard to the means of alert, notably the PPI (off-site emergency plan) siren and the automatic population alerting system, AREVA provides no information that confirms their availability in the event of a severe accident. Regarding the means of communication, the report indicates that the multiplicity of the networks and the site's good coverage increases its capacity for both internal and external communications in the event of a severe accident. On the other hand, unlike the other entities, Socatri has neither access to the RIMBAUD network nor satellite telephones. Regarding environmental monitoring, AREVA has drawn up the inventory of the fixed and portable instruments available on the site