- 330 - loss or malfunctioning of the transmission of alarms to the control room, which would prevent rapid detection of the problem; non-starting of the systems for scrubbing the HF present in the air in the premises, which would generate HF releases directly into the environment; failure of static containment or of the conversion building ventilation filtration system, which would cause releases of radioactive substances directly into the environment. The mitigation means proposed for a gaseous HF release into the environment is spraying from the exterior with the aim of knocking down the HF cloud. For the two feared accident situations, the weak point for which no solution is proposed at present is the fact that the alarms are not integrally transmitted to the control rooms or emergency management premises, and moreover the existing transmission systems are not designed to seismic standards. Existing severe accident management measures The emergency management means are not specific to the feared severe accidents but applicable to any emergency management situation. Facility monitoring measures (required instrumentation): As a general rule the licensee considers that once the facilities have been placed in safe condition, nothing more is to be done inside them. The important factors are therefore: the reliability of the transmission of alarms to the control room; the reliability of the automatic systems for placing the facilities in safe condition, or the accessibility under all circumstances of the manual systems for placing the facilities in safe condition. ASN has no particular remarks concerning FBFC. 6.2.4. Other facilities ATPu Feared severe accidents The severe accidents considered by the licensee for the CSAs would result from an earthquake of greater intensity that the "safe shutdown" earthquake or a flood beyond the flood safety margin level. Identification of the factors potentially hindering accident management and of the resulting constraints The licensee does not identify any particular factor that could hinder accident management. The Cadarache centre is situated far from large built-up areas and other industrial facilities. The nearest pressurised gas pipe is 1.5 km away and the pipe supplying the centre presents no particular risk. In the event of a flood or earthquake, the centre would remain accessible from the off-site public road network. Existing severe accident management measures The licensee identifies the following potential intervention means for a severe accident such as an earthquake or a flood: The devices for cutting off the facilities' industrial water supply and the electrical power supply; The means of communication (satellite telephones, microwave transmission network); The emergency diesel generator sets; The mobile radiation protection equipment; The pumping equipment, etc.