
- 332 - With regard to the study of the risks associated with the industrial environment, the general approach adopted by the CEA is initially to identify - through the Cadarache PGSE (general presentation of the site and facility) and the safety frame of reference in effect - the industrial facilities, hazardous material pipelines and communication routes (road, rails and river) in the vicinity of the Masurca site. In a second phase the CEA assesses the potential risks associated with the hazard sources on the basis of the existing studies for the BNIs in question. With regard to the risks from outside the CEA Cadarache site (industrial environment and communication routes), the CEA concludes that there is no potential source of risk. With regard to the onsite industrial environment, the CEA concludes that the BNIs and ICPEs situated in the vicinity of the Masurca facility has no impact or only a "negligible impact " on its safety. Measures envisaged to reinforce the existing measures - Opinion of ASN No measures have been proposed by the licensee. To conclude, ASN considers that the licensee must clearly define the measures to implement on the Masurca facility in an earthquake situation, particularly to limit environmental contamination, taking account of the toxic risk associated with the presence of sodium and the ambient environment conditions associated with the risks of material dissemination and criticality. On this account ASN considers that in its report on the Cadarache site due in September 2012, the CEA must present its assessment of the means that could mitigate the environmental consequences of situations leading to total or partial collapse of the Masurca facility BSM building in the event of an earthquake. The accessibility of the facility and consideration of the induced effects such as a fire or a criticality accident must be included in the assessment. The means of ensuring radiological monitoring of the environment and releases shall also be considered.