IRRS follow-up mission to France - October 2017

11 • ASN has made significant progress in enhancing its management system and published many new procedures. ASN has developed policy statements incorporating safety culture and still has to incorporate safety culture aspects in its training, self-assessment and management system. • Since the 2014 IRRS mission some additional financial and personnel resources have been added and ASN has introduced efficiencies across its activities and improved its resource planning. ASN needs to continue to focus on resource management to assure it is able to meet upcoming work such as periodic safety reviews, the life extension of nuclear power plants and new responsibilities such as supply chain oversight and radioactive source security. • Additional effort is needed to better take into account IAEA emergency classification requirements. • ASN conducted a successful audit of IRSN and is working with IRSN to improve ASN access to the National Dose Register (SISERI). An IAEA press release was issued at the end of the mission.