IRRS follow-up mission to France - October 2017

19 1.7. PROVISIONS FOR DECOMMISSIONING AND MANAGEMENT OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE AND SPENT FUEL There were no findings in this area in the initial IRRS mission. 1.8. COMPETENCE FOR SAFETY 2014 MISSION RECOMMENDATIONS, SUGGESTIONS R3 Recommendation: The Government should provide legal basis for building and maintaining technical competence of all parties involved in Nuclear Safety and/or Radiation Protection. Changes since the initial IRRS mission Recommendation 3: Under the Act on energy transition for green growth (TECV Act) and the associated ordinance of the 10th February 2016, France implemented the provisions of the Euratom Directive on Nuclear Safety. In particular, articles of the ordinance taken together with existing legislation, set out the requirements for competence and experience of the licence holders for nuclear installations. There are also similar requirements for sub-contractors. These requirements on the operators are monitored by ASN. For ASN itself the competency requirements for Commissioners are set out in law. Separately, ASN has set out binding requirements for the competence of its staff in its internal resolution of October 2010. There is a project ongoing to update this resolution. Similarly, a decree published in March 2016 set out the competence required of IRSN staff. For other users of radioactive sources in the industrial, research and medical fields, there are general provisions concerning education and training in nuclear and radiation safety set out in the Labour and Public Health Codes, as well as various specific provisions in underpinning resolutions and ordinances. In particular, an ordinance published in January 2017 sets out the education and training requirements in radiation safety for medical physicists. The Strategic Committee for the Nuclear Sector (CSFN) with a broad membership across the industry has worked to develop a concerted approach to the development and maintenance of competence in the sector. Similarly, work on the National Strategy for Research in Energy (SNRE) has focused on developing skills and competence in the research area. Status of the finding in the initial mission Recommendation3 (R3) is closed as France and ASN now have a comprehensive system in place that provides a sound legal basis for building and maintaining the technical competence of operators, the regulatory body, the TSO and users of radioactive materials in industry, medicine and research. 1.9. PROVISION OF TECHNICAL SERVICES There were no findings in this area in the initial IRRS mission.