IRRS follow-up mission to France - October 2017

22 was also extended to the office heads and unit heads for small-scale nuclear activities and to the unit heads for some specific topics related to BNIs. Status of the finding in the initial mission Recommendation 4 (R4) remains open. Even though the budget decisions increased the number of staff in both ASN and IRSN for the period 2015-2017, ASN remains concerned by the lower than requested financial and human resources as budgeted by the State. ASN has significant ly improved its analysis methodology for the resource planning and is currently also improving the efficiency of the organization by further developing the graded approach methodologies. Suggestion 3 (S3) is closed. The system for delegating regulatory powers and ASN rules about the missions of different hierarchical levels were revised in 2016-2017. 3.2. EFFECTIVE INDEPENDENCE IN THE PERFORMANCE OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES There were no findings in this area in the initial IRRS mission. 3.3. STAFFING AND COMPETENCE OF THE REGULATORY BODY 2014 MISSION RECOMMENDATIONS, SUGGESTIONS S4 Suggestion: The regulatory body should consider developing more formalised procedures for long-term staff succession and competency planning. The regulatory body should also consider developing a more formalised tool for competence management. Changes since the initial IRRS mission Suggestion 4: Since the initial IRRS mission, ASN has further developed its existing Human Resources information tools to improve the long-term staff succession and competency planning and competence management functions. ASN has plans to procure a new HR tool combining all the existing information. The new system would enable easier access to the information and provide a better overall picture of turnover and competency management. ASN has contracted a specialised company to assist them in preparation of requirements specifications for a new HR support tool. The plan is to implement the tool in two steps during 2018-2019. ASN has also organized more formalised internal discussions about human resources including staff succession and competency planning. ASN has also recruited a new Deputy to the head of the Office of Administration, whose focus is HR management. Status of the finding in the initial mission Suggestion 4 (S4) is closed on the basis of progress made and confidence in the effective completion. ASN has a strong management commitment and continues to develop further its HR information system and is planning to implement a new integrated system in 2018-2019. 3.4. LIAISON WITH ADVISORY BODIES AND SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS There were no findings in this area in the initial IRRS mission. 3.5. LIAISON BETWEEN THE REGULATORY BODY AND AUTHORIZED PARTIES There were no findings in this area in the initial IRRS mission.