IRRS follow-up mission to France - October 2017

26 Suggestion 6 (S6) remains open. ASN is finalising two new policy statements and a collective commitment document incorporating the aspects of safety culture. ASN has plans to review its MS documents and to include safety culture principles in the inspectors’ training programmes. ASN has not yet made plans for carrying out safety culture self-assessments which ASN could use to further develop their safety culture. 4.2. MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY There were no findings in this area in the initial IRRS mission. 4.3. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT There were no findings in this area in the initial IRRS mission. 4.4. PROCESS IMPLEMENTATION 2014 MISSION RECOMMENDATIONS, SUGGESTIONS R6 Recommendation: ASN should carry out a systematic and comprehensive audit of IRSN’s review and assessment activities against ASN’s MS requirements. Changes since the initial IRRS mission Recommendation 6: ASN conducted an audit of the ASN-IRSN agreement and its appendices in 2016. The audit team was led by an external expert and the rest of the team members were from ASN. The audit included a review of human resources and a review of the agreements and internal procedures through examination of some selected examples. The examples included several different types of safety assessments prepared by IRSN concerning nuclear power plants. Several recommendations and suggestions were given to both IRSN and ASN but the audit didn’t reveal any shortcomings or significant deviations. The recommendations and suggestions have been discussed in the common meetings but there is not yet a single action plan for the follow-up. ASN and IRSN have plans to continue the audit programme. However, the auditing interval has not been established. Both ASN and IRSN determined that it would be beneficial to have both ASN and IRSN staff members on the audit team in future since the recommendations and suggestions are given to the both organisations. Status of the finding in the initial mission Recommendation 6 (R6) is closed as the audit of IRSN’s review and assessment activities was conducted by ASN in 2016. 4.5. MEASUREMENT, ASSESSMENT AND IMPROVEMENT There were no findings in this area in the initial IRRS mission.