IRRS follow-up mission to France - October 2017

33 The IRRS team notes that the starting point for the licensing process in France is the request for creation of a nuclear installation. For all activities prior to this request ASN has no legal mandate to carry out inspections nor decision authority. Suggestion11: ASNhas reviewed all inspection procedures and related guidance documents since the IRRS mission in 2014. In addition ASN has established a process to periodically review the needs for new inspection guides or revise existing guides. Senior management receives a report of the status of the inspection guides every six months. The ASN process seems reasonable to the IRRS team. ASN presented a summary of the status of all guides related to inspection procedures to the IRRS team. For the following three areas no guides are currently available: particle accelerator, polluted sites and use of sealed and unsealed sources for research activities. ASN has developed a schedule to develop the missing guides. Suggestion 12: ASN has established an inspection strategy for the commissioning of the project of Flamanville 3 EPR reactor since the IRRS mission in 2014. ASN took into account the relevant IAEA Safety Requirements and Guides. A guide for site inspections related to commissioning tests (CT) was published by ASN in 2015, which provides guidance for the preparation and the performance of the inspections. The guide was presented to the IRRS team. The licensee provides ASN information about the proposed dates for the CT 15 days before their performance. ASN will inspect the CT on the basis of the advice of their technical consultant IRSN. ASN presented a list of performed inspections for CT in Flamanville 3 to the IRRS team. Status of the finding in the initial mission Suggestion 10 (S10) is closed as ASN has prepared a cross reference table showing that all areas of ASN’s responsibility were covered by their inspection activities. Suggestion 11 (S11) is closed on the basis of progress made and confidence in the effective completion. ASN has set up an adequate process to ensure a periodic review of all inspection guides and has used the process to update some guides. A few inspection areas are not yet covered by inspection guides. Suggestion 12 (S12) is closed as ASN has implemented an inspection strategy for the commissioning of NNPs' commissioning state and the related inspection programme is in place. 7.3. INSPECTION OF RESEARCH REACTORS There were no findings in this area in the initial IRRS mission. 7.4. INSPECTION OF FUEL CYCLE FACILITIES There were no findings in this area in the initial IRRS mission. 7.5. INSPECTION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITIES There were no findings in this area in the initial IRRS mission.