IRRS follow-up mission to France - October 2017

35 7.8. INSPECTION OF TRANSPORT ACTIVITIES 2014 MISSION RECOMMENDATIONS, SUGGESTIONS S14 Suggestion: ASN should consider developing a more effective training to address the limited number of transportation inspectors and the turnover in the Divisions. Changes since the initial IRRS mission Suggestion 14: ASN has developed an online training package which can be undertaken throughout the year. On completing the online training package, the trainee inspector needs to undertake a mandatory examination which certifies the inspector as competent to undertake transport inspections. The training program also has management oversight to ensure the quality of the program. The program is modular and can be undertaken at different levels so that those requiring a general overview of transport inspections can undertake the training at a less detailed level. The modular program can also be used for refresher training. As a result of the online training, ASN is now able to designate transport inspectors throughout the year, therefore facilitating the conduct of transport inspections in a more timely fashion compared to the situation in 2014. Currently there are at least two qualified transport inspectors in each of the Regional Divisions. It was also noted that Transport and Sources Department (DTS) at ASN undertakes around 60 percent of the total transport inspections and can provide additional resources to the regions when needed. Finally, ASN still delivers a training program once per year which allows more interaction between transport inspectors with varying degrees of experience and provides additional quality assurance to the program. Status of the finding in the initial mission Suggestion 14 (S14) is closed as ASN has introduced an online training package for transport inspectors which has allowed ASN to address the deficit in the number of competent transport inspectors observed in 2014. Policy Discussion 2 Control of supply chain and counterfeit, fraudulent and suspect items (CFSI) In recent years nuclear facilities around the world have been impacted by several procurement related events. In particular, CFSI issues are a growing concern for the nuclear industry and the safety regulatory authorities. Several cases have occurred in France since 2015, including a major one involving components forged by the Areva NP Creusot Forge factory. The construction of the Flamanville Unit 3 EPR reactor has also shown that developing a robust supply chain is a challenge for licensees and vendors. This is a concern for ASN as EDF is engaging a major plant life extension program for its reactor fleet. Before 2016 ASN did not have the authority to directly inspect suppliers. They only had the authority to assess how the licensee oversaw its suppliers. Through recent legislative developments, ASN is now able to inspect suppliers directly on site. Now ASN is in the process