IRRS follow-up mission to France - October 2017

41 9.2. REGULATIONS AND GUIDES FOR NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS There were no findings in this area in the initial IRRS mission. 9.3. REGULATIONS AND GUIDES FOR RESEARCH REACTORS There were no findings in this area in the initial IRRS mission. 9.4. REGULATIONS AND GUIDES FOR FUEL CYCLE FACILITIES There were no findings in this area in the initial IRRS mission. 9.5. REGULATIONS AND GUIDES FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITIES 2014 MISSION RECOMMENDATIONS, SUGGESTIONS S18 Suggestion: ASN should consider gaining specific expertise and developing specific safetyguides (standard format and content of a safety case, site criteria, etc.) related to a near-/sub-surface disposal facility in a timely manner (depending on the options to be proposed by Andra in 2015). Changes since the initial IRRS mission Suggestion 18: Following the 2014 IRRS mission, ASN requested its TSO (IRSN) to review its existing near and sub-surface disposal guidelines. These guidelines are mainly concerned with the siting of a near or sub-surface disposal facility, and were published in 2008. Specifically, ASN requested advice on what aspects of the guidelines required to be updated and also what needed to be added. IRSN provided the results of its review in June 2017 in its Avis IRSN/2017-00216. The delays which have occurred in implementing this suggestion were due to competing national priorities to allow IRSN's assessment of the CIGEO deep geological repository project. ASN and IRSN have decided to form a working group which also includes ANDRA and some waste producers, to develop a new near or sub-surface disposal guide. It is expected that the Terms of Reference and the composition of the Working Group will be finalised before the end of 2017. With respect to gaining specific expertise as made in the suggestion, ASN has stated that it has appointed a project manager for the development of the guide since the 2014 IRRS mission, and has also recruited several positions in the waste management area. Status of the finding in the initial mission Suggestion18 (S18) remains open. Since the 2014 IRRS mission, no new or updated safety guide on near surface or sub-surface disposal facilities has been produced. A working group of relevant stakeholders is now being established to develop and produce a new or updated guide. 9.6. REGULATIONS AND GUIDES FOR RADIATION SOURCES FACILITES There were no findings in this area in the initial IRRS mission. 9.7. REGULATIONS AND GUIDES FOR DECOMMISSIONING ACTIVITIES There were no findings in this area in the initial IRRS mission.