IRRS follow-up mission to France - October 2017

44 Status of the finding in the initial mission Recommendation12 (R12) is closed as a result of the work since 2014 on updating the regulatory framework, the implementation of changes to national offsite planning, and the planned course of action for updating the onsite emergency planning basis in the licensee safety reports. 10.2. FUNCTIONAL REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS 2014 MISSION RECOMMENDATIONS, SUGGESTIONS S20 Suggestion: The regulatory body should consider improving the emergency classification system, incorporating a clear graded approach, consistent with (but not necessarily identical to) the guidance provided in GS-R-2. Changes since the initial IRRS mission Suggestion 20: Regulatory requirements have been updated to require that when the operator activates their onsite plan, they notify the prefect and ASN. In ongoing communications with the prefect, the operator indicates the expected timing and magnitude of a possible release. This information is used by the prefect, who infers when the offsite plan should be activated and whether protective actions need to be taken. In addition, the operator can initiate the offsite plan in “reflex mode” in case of an immediate radioactive release. The 2014 National Plan identifies 3 accident situations labelled 1, 2 and 3 (immediate/short release, immediate/long release, delayed/long release). These situations have suggested actions to be taken by offsite response authorities. By definition, these are in fact all subsets of a General Emergency classification. ASN interprets the various onsite and offsite activation levels and “converts” this informa tion into an emergency class (Alert, Facility Emergency, Site Area Emergency or General Emergency) for reporting to IAEA. Status of the finding in the initial mission Suggestion20 (S20) is closed on the basis of changes to the regulatory framework and the national nuclear emergency plan. Newobservation from the follow-up mission FOLLOW UP MISSIONRECOMMENDATIONS, SUGGESTIONS AND GOOD PRACTICES Observation: The regulatory framework and operator procedures include a system for determining the appropriate level of response both onsite and offsite. However, there is no system for the operator to classify the emergency using pre-established classes consistent with GSR Part 7. (1) BASIS: GSR Part 7 Para. 5.14 states that “The operating organization of a facility or activity in category I, II, III or IV shallmake arrangements for promptly classifying, on the basis of the hazard assessment, a nuclear or radiological emergency warranting protective actions and other response actions to protect workers, emergency workers, members of the public and, as relevant, patients and helpers in an emergency, in accordance with the protection strategy (see Requirement 5). This shall include a system for classifying all types of nuclear or radiological emergency17…”