IRRS follow-up mission to France - October 2017

54 further strengthening to verify that security measures in place do not impair safety, especially in case of an accident. Suggestion 28: Since 1 September 2016, ASN has recruited a new Security Officer who has knowledge in the protection of nuclear materials and facilities containing such materials against malicious acts. His mission is to facilitate exchanges between ASN and DSN which deals with these topics. At the meeting on October 24, 2016, between these two entities, it has been decided: - to organize training seminars for ASN agents on security issues, with the participation of DSN, and - to integrate into the training program of each entity a module presenting the activities of the other entity. These decisions are formalized in the minutes of the meeting. ASN has also integrated in its intranet a webpage about certain general security matters, including methods to protect sensitive information and requirements and procedures for obtaining a security clearance. In addition, two lectures about general security topics were organized at ASN headquarters to sensitize ASN management and inspectors to these issues. Also, ASN has begun to integrate into its training program topics related to safety/security interface of facilities and activities. In discussions with HFDS and DSN representatives, they noted that they had conducted training of safety/security interface issues at a number of the regional divisions and that they are scheduled to conduct a similar training session in 2018 that will include all of the ASN regional divisions. Status of the finding in the initial mission Suggestion 27 (S27) remains open due to the need for continued progress towards coordinated inspections at BNIs and ICPEs between ASN and DSN. Suggestion 28 (S28) is closed on the basis of progress made and confidence in the effective completion based on efforts to date, as well as what seems to be an improving relationship with HFDS/DSN on a wide variety issues of common interest, including training. 12.3. INTERFACE WITH OTHER AUTHORITIES 2014 MISSION RECOMMENDATIONS, SUGGESTIONS S29 Suggestion: The ASN should consider coordinating with Department for Nuclear Security to develop joint inspection programs on safety and security issues on a regular basis. S30 Suggestion: ASN should consider updating of the convention for co-operation with authorities in charge of security of nuclear facilities. Changes since the initial IRRS mission Suggestion29: Control of security measures in BNIs is the responsibility of the authority in charge of protection against malicious acts HFDS/DSN. As noted earlier, in May 2016 and February 2017, a team of ASN inspectors (including an inspector specialised in radioactive substance transportation issues) conducted inspections at the headquarters of carriers of radioactive substances and nuclear materials, on their emergency preparedness and response organization.