IRRS follow-up mission to France - October 2017

64 APPENDIX VI - REFERENCE MATERIAL PROVIDED BYASN ARM or during the mission Documents/Reference Subject ARM: IRRS-R11 Guide n°25 dated 27/10/16 Preparation of ASN Statutory Resolutions and ASN Guides Conditions for Participation of Stakeholders and the General Public ARM: IRRS-R12 Letter from the Minister of Interior (NOR: INTER1627472J) Letter from the Minister of Interior on response to a major nuclear or radiological accident. Change in the national doctrine for the preparation or modification of off-site emergency plans (PPIS) around the nuclear pow plants (NPPs) operated by EDF ARM: IRRS-R2 DGPR/SRT/MSNR/2017-082 dated 27 June 2017 Letter from DGPR to ASN addressing a recommendation resulting from the IRRS mission of 2014 ARM: IRRS-R4 ASN opinion 2017-AV-0294 of 1st June 2017 ASN opinion 2017-AV-0294 of 1st June 2017 concerning the budget for the regulation of nuclear safety and radiation protection in France, for the years 2018 to 2020 ARM: IRRS-R6 Report on the audit of the ASN-IRSN agreement dated December 2016 Report on the audit of the agreement and its appendices binding ASN (Nuclear Safety Authority) and IRSN (Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety) conducted on 27 and 28 June 2016 ARM: IRRS-R8 ASN resolution 2015-DC-0521 of 8th September 2015 ASN resolution 2015-DC-0521 of 8th September 2015 relative to the tracking and registration of radionuclides in the form of radioactive sources and products or devices containing them ARM: IRRS-R9 Procedure SMQ/DEU/QPR/SAN /ASN/000120/2015 (ASN/SAN/120) Procedure SMQ/DEU/QPR/SAN /ASN/000120/2015 (ASN/SAN/120) - THE PRINCIPLES APPLIED BY ASN WHEN DETERMINING ENFORCEMENT (OR POLICING) MEASURES AND SANCTIONS