IRRS follow-up mission to France - October 2017

65 ARM: IRRS-S12 BNI No. 167 – Flamanville 3 EPR reactor Report to the ASN Commission Doctrine for Oversight of the Start-up Tests of the Flamanville 3 EPR Reactor ARM: IRRS-S19 ASN resolution 2015-DC-0503 of 12th March 2015 ASN resolution 2015-DC-0503 of 12th March 2015 relative to the notification system for companies transporting radioactive substances on French territory ARM: IRRS-S18 Procedure SMQ/DRC/QPR/AUT/ASN/002410/2015 (ASN/AUT/2410) Procedure SMQ/DRC/QPR/AUT/ASN/002410/2015 (ASN/AUT/2410) - PERIODIC SAFETY REVIEW OF A LUDD BASIC NUCLEAR INSTALLATION During the mission Project of update of the procedure SMQ/SG/QPR/REG/ASN/000100/201x (ASN/REG/100) Project of update of the REG/100 internal procedure on regulations and guides During the mission List of envisaged amendments to the BNI order During the mission Table of implementing texts for the decrees of the Labor Code and the Public Health Code transposing Council Directive 2013/59 / EURATOM of 5 December 2013 “BSS” During the mission Table of analysis on the transposition in the French regulation of the IAEA safety requirement SSR-2/2 During the mission Translation of Article 2.4 of the project of ASN Resolution on Safety Report During the mission Draft ASN / HFDS convention and translation of some articles