Les cahiers de l'ASN #01 - Nuclear power plants: going beyond 40 years

Increasing the safety requirements to bring them into line with the most recent nuclear facilities Maintaining the same safety requirements as applied so far ASN 2017 OPINION SURVEY Do you think that this extension should be with the same safety requirements as those applied until now, or with reinforced safety requirements in line with those applied to the most recent nuclear facilities? The informed public believes that extending the life of the NPPs can be envisaged provided that the safety requirements are reinforced . 15 % 85 % INFORMED PUBLIC Survey methods The last ASN opinion survey was carried out from 24 October to 29 November 2017, by telephone or in person. It concerned a national sample of 2,029 people representative of the general public and those living in the vicinity of an NPP (348 local residents queried), as well as 303 people (“informed public”) considered to be opinion shapers (journalists, national or local elected officials, heads of associations or militants, CLI* Chairs, health professionals, teachers, etc.). Q 2 GENERAL PUBLIC LOCAL RESIDENTS INFORMED PUBLIC 2,029 persons 348 persons 303 persons * See glossary p.24 18 • Les cahiers de l’ASN • September 2018