Les cahiers de l’ASN #02 - Conditions for the continued operation of EDF’s 900MWe reactors

EDF must report annually to ASN about its industrial capability to carry out the required safety improvements within the set time frames. ASN also asks EDF to look ahead to the risks of drifting from schedule and to remedy any identified difficulties. ASN has graded enforcement and penalty powers (formal notice, administrative fines, daily fines, ability to carry out seizure, take samples or require payment of a guarantee, etc.). It is ASN’s responsibility to use them judiciously. This is why ASN always tries to find out why a deadline cannot be met before making its decision. Does ASN have the means to enforce compliance with its requirements? Numerous contributions from the public underlined the question of the closure of a number of nuclear reactors in France in the coming years. ASN can suspend the operation of a reactor at any moment in the event of serious and imminent danger. This is part of its duty of permanent oversight of nuclear facilities. The definitive shutdown of a nuclear reactor for energy policy reasons is decided on by the Government and not by ASN. In effect, the 4 th safety review does not always take place after exactly 40 years. It depends on the time lags recorded in the first safety reviews. The 4 th safety review takes place 10 years after the 3 rd review of each reactor. Why does the 4 th periodic safety review of some reactors not take place in their 40 th year of operation? Conditions for the continued operation of EDF’s 900MWe reactors • 25