Les cahiers de l'ASN #03 - 10 years after Fukushima

A more resilient crisis organisation In 2017, ASN set out specific requirements for the management of emergency situations, in terms of personnel instruction and training. The licensees’ crisis teams therefore have to practice their role at least once a year, during an exercise or simulation. The Fukushima accident showed that the crisis crews who are normally required to reach their posts in less than one hour may be unable to do so owing to external constraints (blocked roads for example). EDF* therefore made provision for an organisation able to perform the essential crisis management duties with a small team. Sixteen of the 18 NPPs in service have so far adopted this arrangement. ASN also has a round-the-clock on-call system comprising about twenty personnel members in the head office and the regions. The ASN crisis organisation is tested about ten times a year during national exercises held with the offices of the Prefects, the IRSN* and the licensees. CRISIS AND POST-ACCIDENT MANAGEMENT IN FRANCE