Les cahiers de l'ASN #03 - 10 years after Fukushima

Each site may comprise several BNIs. Sites regulated by ASN TYPES OF FACILITIES Nuclear Power Plants Plants Research facilities Waste disposal repositories Others The following are concerned: nuclear reactors • facilities for the preparation, enrichment, fabrication, reprocessing or storage of nuclear fuels, or for the processing, storage or disposal of radioactive waste • facilities containing radioactive or fissile substances • large particle accelerators • repositories for the most highly radioactive waste. So what is a BNI? A basic nuclear installation (BNI*), is an installation which, by its very nature, or because of the quantity or activity of the radioactive substances it contains, is subject to a specific regulation and oversight system defined by the Environment Code. Its design, construction, operation and decommissioning are regulated. 34 35 12 13 27 28 33 10 11 30 32 29 31 26 9 7 5 8 6 3 1 2 25 24 22 14 20 19 18 23 16 17 15 21 4 Bordeaux Caen Châlons-en-Champagne Lille Marseille Nantes Orléans Clermont- Ferrand Nîmes Strasbourg Besançon Troyes Limoges Paris Rennes Nevers Toulouse Lyon Nice Montpellier Grenoble Poitiers 1 Blayais 2 Golfech 3 Civaux 4 Brennilis 5 La Hague 6 Caen 7 Paluel 8 Flamanville 9 Penly 10 Nogent-sur-Seine 11 Soulaines-Dhuys 12 Chooz 13 Gravelines 14 Grenoble 15 Bugey 16 Romans-sur-Isère 17 Dagneux 18 Tricastin 19 Cruas-Meysse 20 Saint-Alban 21 Creys-Malville 22 Cadarache 23 Marcoule 24 Marseille 25 Malvési 26 Pouzauges 27 Sablé-sur-Sarthe 28 Saclay 29 Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux 30 Dampierre-en-Burly 31 Chinon 32 Belleville-sur-Loire 33 Fontenay-aux-Roses 34 Fessenheim 35 Cattenom 10 years after Fukushima, what safety improvements for nuclear facilities in France? • 9