Installation: two 900 MWe PWRs (Haut-Rhin département) Licensee: EDF Commissioned: 1977 and 1978 Final shutdown: 2020 Decommissioning phases n The spent fuel from reactor 1 was completely removed in 2021; removal of the spent fuel from reactor 2 should be completed in 2023. n In 2022, ASN continues to review the decommissioning file transmitted by EDF and will notably call on its technical support organisations for their analysis of the file: the Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) and the Advisory Committee of Experts for Decommissioning (GPDEM). n The licensee is currently performing a certain number of operations in preparation for decommissioning: drainage and decontamination of systems, removal of waste and chemical products, preparation of spaces for processing of future waste from decommissioning, collection of spares for other sites, etc. n End of decommissioning envisaged by EDF: end of the 2040s. Decommissioning challenges Once the fuel has been removed, the main decommissioning challenges lie in managing a large-scale worksite with a radiological dimension: worker radiation protection, worksite safety, waste management consistent with the conditioning, storage and disposal facilities, etc., without forgetting project management, and building on experience that is as exemplary as possible with a view to future decommissioning projects on other reactors. Fessenheim Chooz A Installation: first PWR operated in France, with a power of about 300 MWe (Ardennes département) Licensee: EDF Commissioned: 1967 Final shutdown: 1991 Decommissioning phases n Installations partially located in underground caverns. n The fuel has been removed, the systems have been drained, the turbine hall, the pumping station and the outside buildings have been demolished; the decontamination and removal operations for the steam generators and primary system components (except for the pressure vessel) have already been carried out. The spent fuel pool and all the auxiliary systems have to a large extent been dismantled. In 2021, dismantling work on the “reactor pressure vessel internals” was completed. n Next step: with a view to dismantling of the reactor pressure vessel, installation of an evaporator to treat the cavity water before discharge (currently in progress). Operation scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2022. Decommissioning challenges The main challenge of this decommissioning is to manage radiation protection, in particular the risk of contamination of the workers by alpha particles*. Decommissioning challenges • 17