AM7 AM3 M61 A21 Ulysse Saclay Installation: Ulysse low-power research reactor (100 kilowatts thermal – kWth), used for teaching and experimentation activities, in Saclay (Essonne département) Licensee: CEA Commissioned: 1961 Final shutdown: 2007 Start of decommissioning: 2014 Decommissioning completed: August 2019 Decommissioning phases n  The fuel has been removed and the clean-out operations were completed in 2019, supplemented by radiological cleanness checks on the buildings and soils. n After the decommissioning operations, the installation’s building was kept and comprises no areas with any irradiation or contamination risk. DECOMMISSIONING WORK After 5 years of work, decommissioning of the Ulysse nuclear reactor was completed in 2019. The work was done on-time. Decommissioning challenges Over and above the organisational challenge, linked to sub-contracting of the operations, decommissioning of the Ulysse reactor represented 1200 days of work. Given the low power of the reactor, the safety and radiation protection issues were minimal. No significant event was reported during the decommissioning operations. n  226 tons of radioactive waste were removed to the VLL waste management route. n  512 tons of conventional waste were taken away. n  ASN is currently reviewing the BNI* delicensing application*. Decommissioning challenges • 21