On the basis of the decommissioning file submitted by the licensee, the Minister issues a Decree stipulating the decommissioning operations to be performed on the installation, along with the duration of decommissioning. In a resolution, ASN may also issue technical requirements to further regulate decommissioning. Decommissioning concerns all the technical operations carried out with a view to achieving a final state that makes delicensing* of the installation possible. It concerns the electromechanical decommissioning and clean-out of soils and structures. From the legal viewpoint, the “decommissioning operations” only begin once the Decommissioning Decree has entered into force. Between final shutdown of the installation and this moment of entry into force, the licensee carries out “operations in preparation for decommissioning”. In this document, for reasons of simplification, all the operations performed after final shutdown are defined as “decommissioning operations”. Delicensing* consists in removing an installation from the BNI* list, which implies that the installation is no longer subject to the BNI* legal and administrative system. Delicensing* takes place at the end of the decommissioning operations, on the basis of a file presenting the final state of the installation. Usage restrictions may be implemented if necessary, if some of the pollution could not be removed. In this case, the State’s decentralised departments are responsible for ensuring compliance with these restrictions. Decommissioning Delicensing* Decommissioning Decree Decommissioning operations Delicensing resolution* ASN’s oversight duties cease. DÉCI DÉCI DÉCI DÉC DECISION Decommissioning challenges • 7